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Federico edited this page Jun 7, 2016 · 3 revisions

Known bugs

Bug reports

If you're experiencing a crash (a segfault), there is one thing i'll always need: a proper backtrace.
You can get one following these easy steps:

  • install gdb
  • clone the repo
  • cd ncursesFM
  • make debug
  • gdb ./ncursesFM
    Then in gdb shell:
  • run
    After it crashed issue a:
  • bt
    And send me its output.

Feature requests

As this project is kept alive by your own requests, feature requests are very gratefully accepted.
Indeed it is the best part of managing a (small) project like ncursesFM: realize that people see usecases beyond my own sight. Really, i never think about lot of things people asked to implement.
And implementing them is really funny.
So, please, if you got any feature in mind, do not be afraid to request it :)

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