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CI Format Documentation

Robot code for 2022 FRC Season

Key Features

  • Automated intake system with ball indexing IntakeSubsystem
    • Vibration feedback on cargo acquisition
  • Semi-autonomous high-rung climb with configurable positions ClimberSubsystem
  • Modular swerve drive system built on SDS Mk4 hardware and Falcon 500 motors SwerveDriveSubsystem
  • 370-degree turret with full-field vision targeting ShooterSubsystem
    • Vibration feedback on target lock
    • Automatic hood angle and flywheel speed setpoints based on distance interpolation maps from 10 inches to 30 feet shooterRange
    • Target range estimation using target pitch and perspective distortion adjustment ShooterSubsystem::AutoAim
    • Automatic hood homing HomeHoodCommand
    • Persistent turret home using non-volatile memory FSHomingStorage
  • Modular autonomous selection system AutoSelector
    • Autonomous routines for all starting positions with 1-ball, 2-ball, 5-ball, and 2-ball with defensive shots commands/autonomous
    • Support for separate red and blue alliance position setpoints to account for field assembly variance
    • Common absolute field position configuration for drive paths to reduce duplication field_points

Commissioning A Robot

When commissioning a new robot, you should set the instance type to either "Competition" or "Practice" by creating a text file readable by lvuser on the RoboRIO at path /home/lvuser/robotInstance. The content of this file should be just the text Competition or Practice with no whitespace preceding. If no valid instance is found at runtime, competition instance will be used and an error will be generated.


See vision readme for information on which pipelines to use and which indices to install these pipelines on.

Project Setup


This project uses pre-commit to check code formatting before accepting commits.

First install the prerequisites:

  • python3 (with pip) - instructions

    • Python 3.9.x from the Python website works well. Make sure to check the add to path option in the installer.
  • pip packages:

    • You may need to add the pip install path to your shell's path if you're using Git Bash. In git bash:
      1. Open (or create) new file ~/.bashrc by running vim ~/.bashrc
      2. Add this to the end: PATH=$PATH:$LOCALAPPDATA/Programs/Python/Python39/Scripts/ (change Python39 to match your python version)
        • Note: The actual path you need to add ($LOCALAPPDATA/Programs/Python/Python39/Scripts/ in the above example) depends on your Python installation. If y ou do the pip install steps first, pip will print the path you need to add.
        • To type in Vim, type i and you should see INSERT at the bottom of the window to indicate you're editing in insert mode
      3. Exit by pressing Esc then type :wq and press Enter
      4. Run source ~/.bashrc to update your session
    • wpiformat - pip install wpiformat
    • clang-format - pip install clang-format
    • pre-commit - pip install pre-commit

    Make sure to run pip install <package> commands in an administrator terminal if installing in windows

Then initialize:

pre-commit install
pre-commit run

The first run may take a moment, but subsequent automatic runs are very fast.

You'll now have the linter run before each commit! For compatibility with Windows, we recommend the pip version of clang-format, but wpi-format will find any installed clang-format binary in the system path.



Button Function
Left JS X Drive
Left JS Y Drive
Right JS X Turn
Right JS Y Unused
DPad Up Unused
DPad Right Move Pre-Climb Forward One Position
DPad Down Confirm climb
DPad Left Move Pre-Climb Backward One Position
A Home Swerve (hold with B and X)
B Home Swerve (hold with A and X)
X Home Swerve (hold with A and B)
Y Field Home (hold)
LB Hold For Robot Centric
RB Reverse Intake
LT Shoot
RT Intake
Back Swap (hold with Start)
Start Swap (hold with Back)
Left JS Button Unused
Right JS Button Unused


Button Function
Left JS X Manual Aim
Left JS Y Manual Hood
Right JS X Climbing Hooks
Right JS Y Climbing Arm
A Home Turret (hold with X and B) + Lower Arm
B Home Turret (hold with X and A) + Extend Hook
X Home Turret (hold with A and B) + Retract Hook
Y Home Hood (hold)
DPad Up Front Close Up Shot
DPad Right Right Close Up Shot
DPad Down Back Close Up Shot
DPad Left Left Close Up Shot
LB Move Pre-Climb Backward One Position
RB Move Pre-Climb Forward One Position
LT Unused
RT Vision Target
Back Swap (hold with Start)
Start Swap (hold with Back)
Left JS Button Unused
Right JS Button Unused

Software Checkout

  1. Check turret position
  2. Check wheel tread
  3. Drive and Turn
    1. Drive forward
    2. Drive backward
    3. Drive left
    4. Drive right
    5. Turn left
    6. Turn right
    7. Drive forward
  4. Intake
    1. Intake a ball
    2. Outtake a ball
  5. Shooter
    1. Move turret left and right manually
    2. Move hood up and down manually
    3. Check the four setpoints (using the d-pad on the operator controller) for the proper turret positions
    4. Aim (vision; make sure camera is working)
    5. Intake and shoot a ball (this also checks the elevator functionality)
  6. Climber
    1. Move the climb arms up and down
    2. Move the hooks up and down
    3. Go through the climb sequence
  7. Wait for air
  8. Change battery

Software Versions

As of the end of the 2022 season, we're using the following dependencies:

Special Thanks


This software is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. If you would like to use this software under the terms of a different license agreement, please contact us.