9 commits
to 5cfd542e69ac72083554a863ec426ef0680f624b
since this release
Changes since 0.7.0
- Big NWjs upgrade!: 0.35.5 ➡️ 0.54.1 (Carlos Venegas) (@cavearr)
- Big Node upgrade!: Node upgrade: 11.6.0 ➡️ 16.4.0 (Carlos Venegas) (@cavearr)
- Aarch64 architecture added (Carlos Venegas) (@cavearr)
- Select components on click: Just click on a component to select one or shift+click for multiple selection (tschundler) (@tschundler)
- Version notes window: "Don't display" checkbox is toogled by clicking on the label ( tschundler) (@tschundler)
- FleaFPGA-Ohm board added (Fernando Mosquera) (@benitoss)
- Remove check for new stable version
- Optimizations: Large designs are rendered faster on the screen
- Improve dom searching with cache in render system
- Improve block placement performance
- Bug fixed: Block selection
- CZech translation updated
- Remove timeouts needed in 32bit versions and old chrome engines
- Turkish translation added (Ümit Solmaz) (@usnotv)
- Initial Support for iCESugar-nano board based on LP1K (TinLethax) (@TiNredmc)
- iCEBreaker-bitsy1: (seanybaggins)(@seanybaggins )
- Regenerated pinout.json with generate.py
- Created v0 and v1 pinouts.
- Initial draft: pin mappings for the version 1
- ECP5-Evaluation-Board added (Fernando Mosquera) (@benitoss)
- Update translation FR and ES (Joaquim) (@jojo535275)
- Full height collection manager and graphic mods on the lock mode ( "back" button and "read only" area) (Joaquim) (@jojo535275)
- Bug Fixed: "IO connections change upon loading". Issues #533 and #499 (Joaquim)(@jojo535275)
- Collection manager appearance changed (Joaquim) (@jojo535275)
- Change ace-editor theme to monokai in dark mode (mslider) (@mSlider )