438 commits
to develop
since this release
Find more information in the Release notes
What's Changed
- Apio: 0.9.5
- Oss-cad-suite package: 0.0.9 (3 Oct. 2023)
- Node upgraded ➡️ v21.1.0
- NWJS upgraded ➡️ 0.83.0 (NOTE: ARM uses NWJS 0.60)
- Chromium upgraded ➡️ 120.0.6099.129
- Support for MacOs ARM (@cavearr)
- Add support for inout ports (@cavearr)
- Fix bug in serial terminal speed presets (@cavearr)
- Install libfuse2 in github actions for appimage generation (@cavearr)
- Updated appimage generation to meet current appimage standards. Grunt appimage removed (@cavearr)
- Default collection: bumped to version 0.4.1 (@obijuan)
- Automatic sign dmg osx package in github actions (@cavearr)
- OSX M1/M2 cpu github build (@cavearr)
- Add tooltips to Label finder, add more translations (@TimRudy)
- IceCream support start (@cavearr)
- Edit text strings, add some translations, fix "Installing" translation (@TimRudy)
- Improve Gruntfile notes, cleanup (@TimRudy)
- Adjust developer notes and script for translation (@TimRudy)
- Text edit the Terminal instructions (@TimRudy)
- Clean and update dev steps (@TimRudy)
- Add target to README for opening page (@TimRudy)
- Update Czech translation. Thanks to [email protected]
- Spanish translation updated (@obijuan)
- Add hover text to side menu (plugins) (@TimRudy)
- Apio stable version changed to 0.9.5 (@obijuan)
- Upgrade to Oss-cad-suite 0.0.9 (@obijuan)
- Test and fix code blocks with the tri-state feature (@TimRudy)
- Test and fix hide/show of the tri-state feature (@TimRudy)
- Organize Preferences menu and add hide/show of the tri-state feature (@TimRudy)
- Update French translations (@pcotret)
- Add support for Theta Machines ETH4K (@will-hut)
- Alchity-cu: Fix wrong pin numbers reported and fixed by @juanmicro
- Add OSX arm 64 native bundle (@cavearr)
- Improve OSX DMG generation with codesign capabilities (@cavearr)
- Upgrade to nwjs 0.83.0 (@cavearr)
- Added native support for OSX arm64 (@cavearr)
- Update japanese translation (@kanade)
- Fix problems with dmg package bundler for osx (@cavearr)
- Add "SysClkMhz" as global value (@jojo535275)
- Support for signed ports (@cavearr)
- Improve name port pattern (@cavearr)
- Update compiler.js (@jojo535275)
- Add support for inout ports (@cavearr)
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.11.0-rc1...v0.12-rc1