Code extensions for UI Toolkit for UIElements editors without uxml's or for cleaner UIE coding
From openupm:
Or using git in url package manager [email protected]:FColor04/UIToolkitCodex.git
To write styled editors within code without uxml's
public class ExampleEditor : PropertyDrawer
public override VisualElement CreatePropertyGUI(SerializedProperty property)
var root = new VisualElement();
var toggleField = new PropertyField(property);
root.schedule.Execute(() =>
var toggleElement = toggleField.Q("unity-checkmark"); = 48; = 48; = new StyleColor(; = new StyleEnum<Align>(Align.Center); = new StyleEnum<Justify>(Justify.Center);
return root;
public class ExampleEditor : PropertyDrawer
public override VisualElement CreatePropertyGUI(SerializedProperty property)
var root = new VisualElement();
var toggleField = new PropertyField(property)
.DeferredStylize(s => s.W(48).H(48).Bg(,
return root;
And has adaptive color palettes for light & dark editor themes & Tailwind colors
new Label("Hello world!").Stylize(s => s.W(400).FlexCenter().TextCenter().Text4Xl().Bold().Bg(EditorPalette.AccentColor));
public override VisualElement CreatePropertyGUI(SerializedProperty property)
var root = new VisualElement().Stylize(s => s.P(4).FlexWrap().FlexRow());
foreach (var palette in TailwindPalette.Palettes)
.Append(new VisualElement().Stylize(s => s.Bg(palette.S50S950.Pick()).P(4))
.Append(new VisualElement().Stylize(s => s.Bg(palette.S100S900.Pick()).P(4))
.Append(new VisualElement().Stylize(s => s.Bg(palette.S200S800.Pick()).P(4))
.Append(new VisualElement().Stylize(s => s.Bg(palette.S300S700.Pick()).P(4))
.Append(new VisualElement().Stylize(s => s.Bg(palette.S400S600.Pick()).P(4))
.Append(new VisualElement().Stylize(s => s.Bg(palette.S500S500.Pick()).P(4))))))));
return root;
- Adaptive colors, 22 tailwind palettes, 1 unity palette
- Rem unit for text sizes
- Style extensions for visual elements & derivatives, including:
- Background color (All colors soon)
- Size
- Padding
- Margin
- Border
- Display
- Position
- Overflow
- Text
new Alert("Info!", TailwindPalette.Blue)
new Alert("Warning!", TailwindPalette.Yellow)
new Alert("Error!", TailwindPalette.Red)
Made by FColor04