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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Download File Tool Controller

The DownloadFile tool, is a generic tool for server-side download of a single file. The file can be a static file existing on the web server.

For example:

    DisplayLabel: Download a file
    ImageName: download
    Controller: DownloadFile
      ConfirmationMessage: Are you sure you want to download the file?
      # Always enable the button. Use False to require selection of a
      # specific row (whose data is then passed as context info to the
      # controller). This only applies to data panels that support
      # row selection, such as the GridPanel.
      RequireSelection: False
      # Serve a static file (with expansion rules). 
      # Inherit from the controller if you want
      # to provide a file on demand (like a custom report).
      FileName: %APP_PATH%\temp\test.pdf
      # Provide a default file name for the user (which can save the
      # file under a different name if needed).
      ClientFileName: somefile.pdf
      # Provide a persistent file name to save it server-side.
      # Anothar action can use it ( send it by Email).
      PersistentFileName: %APP_PATH%OutputFiles\Somefile_{Id}.pdf
      # Empty means infer the content type from the file name.
      # In this case, it is going to be application/pdf.

Other Download Tool controllers inherits from DownloadFile and can build on the fly a specific file to download:

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