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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Mar 15, 2024 · 9 revisions

Description of Styled Buttons (TStyledGraphicButton and TStyledButton)

TStyledGraphicButton, TStyledButton are designed to expand Button UI styles to break the limits of classic TButton, TBitBtn and TSpeedButton provided in Delphi.

List of Styled Button Components:

Component Description
OK_BUTTON_GRAPH_128.png TStyledGraphicButton is a "pure" Graphic Button with Styles (eg. Classic, Bootstrap, Angular, Basic-Color, SVG-Color) with support of ImageList, Action and full configuration of five states: Normal, Pressed, Selected, Hot and Disabled. You can use it also into a TVirtualList component.
OK_BUTTON_128.png TStyledButton is classic "button control" with Styles (eg. Classic, Bootstrap, Angular, Basic-Color, SVG-Color) with support of ImageList, Action and full configuration of five states: Normal, Pressed, Selected, Hot and Disabled, plus Focus and TabStop support. You can easily replace all of your TButton components.
OK_SPEEDBUTTON_128.png TStyledSpeedButton derives from TStyledGraphicButton, and introduce Layout, Margin and Spacing properties, to control Drawing (Icon and Caption) as a standard TSpeedButton. You can also use Glyph and NumGlyphs.
OK_BITBTN_128.png TStyledBitBtn derives from TStyledButton, and introduce Layout, Margin and Spacing properties, to control Drawing (Icon and Caption) as a standard TBitBtn. You can also use Glyph and NumGlyphs.

The Button Styles defined are not affected by VCLStyles and are also visibile on a "non styled" Windows application, so you can have more than a single Button styled also using VCLStyles. You can build rectangular or rounded or ellipsis/circle button as you prefer.

using only three elements you can setup your Button in a very simple way:

  • StyleFamily: the main attribute for Styled Button
  • StyleClass: a collection of predefined button style
  • Style Appearance: eg.Normal or Outline

To simplify use of the Styled Buttons, there is a useful "Component Editor" to select three values that defines Button Style:

List of available StyleFamily

Component editor for TStyledGraphicButton and StyledButton

In this picture the Component Editor to select "Boostrap" styles: Style Appearance are Normal and Outline


In this picture, the Component Editor to select "AngularUI" styles: Style Appearance are Flat, Raised, Basic, Stroked


In this picture, the Component Editor to select "Classic" styles: Style Appearance are Normal and Outline


In this picture, the Component Editor to select "SVG-Color" styles: Style Appearance are Normal and Outline


Look at the Demo Folder:


A simple demo to show the use of Buttons in many different ways...


In the demo you can test many different ways to obtain Styled Button, Icon, FAB...



A simple demo to show how to use StyledGraphicButton into a ControlList (only for D10.4+)


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