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/ freeboard Public archive
forked from Freeboard/freeboard

A fully themable, old-school HyperCard,VB,Excel inspired RAD in your browser, upgraded for the modern age.


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What this fork changes

  • Widgets are no longer just inputs. We standardize data targets. Which are really just data soures that we assign to.

  • Calculated expressions use Spreadsheet syntax. Anything that doesn't start with = is considered a literal value.

  • Data targets can just be a writable data source that uses proxies to detect when you set it's keys

  • But if they include an assignment or a function call, they are interpreted as literal javascript, so alert(value) works.

  • Your widget instance can just call datatargets'settingName' to set whatever target the user gave

  • Your widget instance can call datatargets['settingName'].setdefault(theValue) to set whatever target the user gave, if and only if the value is currently undefined.

  • This function should be used to ensure that widgets don't immediately clobber things on creation.

  • Data targets can use JS ?. optional chaining to handle things that might not exist. This only works for reading, the optional chaining is automatically converted to standard chaining for writing.

  • Input widgets just get or set exactly the raw data you enter(Previous versions of my fork used val, timestamp pairs, this caused trouple for future DB addons)

  • There's a basic "scratchpad" data source for storing your variables. It even has a persistane option, that makes it's data exportable as part of the board.

  • Button, textbox, slider widgets

  • WidgetInstance.processCalculatedSetting(settingName) is a public API function that widgets can use to force a refresh of a Calculated value. But it is async!!

  • #freeboard-extra-tools is now a div running across the whole bottom of the screen, set up as a flex container expecting children to be unstyled divs, for plugins to add stuff into.

  • We use ES6 now, install this to be able to build: npm install gruntjs/grunt-contrib-uglify#harmony --save

  • Async compatibility: your newInstance data source function can be async, widgets will still load after sources

  • Async compatibility: if a calculated value expression returns a promise, we resolve it and use the result.

  • We use IcoFont. Everything just works if you run directly, but if you embed, you may have to override the path to @font-face IcoFont with the right file.

  • Datasources have a new setting type: button. It takes an 'html' content param and an 'onclick' function that gets passed the (settungs,instanceobj)

  • New widget setting type: trumbowyg-html, which works like the text widget, except you get a WYSYWIG editor wiht drag and drop image support(cpnverts to data URI)

  • The "Rich text content" widget allows mustache templating withing WYSYWIG edited HTML

  • Clock widget has custom strftime string capability

  • Always-available libraries are now part of the core: Keyboard, Strftime

  • The UI tries to render emoji with the Noto Color font(included) and supports FontAwesome glyphs wherever you want to paste them.

  • freeboard.playSound function plays sounds either from a URL, or defined in the soundData global settings namespace. There's a UI in settings to upload files.

  • New setting type: constructor. This is to let your users define a JS object directly, for more advanced event handling.

  • freeboard.unsaved["Board Definition"]=true can be used to register an unsaved change that stops the user from leaving accidentaly

  • Sliders and switches have a "null text" option. If set, a button with that text will be created to set the data target to null. Kaithem tagpoints use this to represent the released

free·board (noun) *\ˈfrē-ˌbȯrd*

  1. the distance between the waterline and the main deck or weather deck of a ship or between the level of the water and the upper edge of the side of a small boat.
  2. the act of freeing data from below the "waterline" and exposing it to the world.
  3. A fully themeable, old-school HyperCard/VB/Excel inspired RAD in your browser, upgraded for the modern age.


Original Devs:

Screenshots(Forest.json theme)


What is It?

Freeboard is a turn-key HTML-based "engine" for dashboards and web apps. Besides a nice looking layout engine, it provides a plugin architecture for creating datasources (which fetch and handle data) and widgets (which display data and allow input)— freeboard then does all the work to connect the two together. Another feature of freeboard is its ability to run entirely in the browser as a single-page static web app without the need for a server. The feature makes it extremely attractive as a front-end for embedded devices which may have limited ability to serve complex and dynamic web pages.

The code here is the client-side portion of what you see when you visit a freeboard at It does not include any of the server-side code for user management, saving to a database or public/private functionality— this is left up to you to implement should you want to use freeboard as an online service.

How to Use

Freeboard can be run entirely from a local hard drive. Simply download/clone the repository and open index.html. When using Chrome, you may run into issues with CORS when accessing JSON based APIs if you load from your local hard-drive— in this case you can switch to using JSONP or load index.html and run from a local or remote web server.

  1. git clone
  2. cd freeboard
  3. npm install
  4. grunt

Then run a index.html or index-dev.html through a webserver(Or just open in a browser)

Moving between pages

This fork allows a board to have more than one page. There are three ways to move between pages.

One is to add a "Basic Info" datasource. Setting the "curentPage" property by using a data target will move to the new page, and create it if it does not exist.

The second is the API call freeboard.gotoPage("pageName"), and finally, you can just click "goto" in the page manager, accessible from the top bar.

Both of these methods also accept page info objects, of the type found in the allPages property of the Basic Info datasource.

This means you can make a very simple automatic table of contents by using allPages as the data source for a Grid View widget, and setting it's selection target to pageName. Then you can click any row in the table to go to that page.

Another possibility is to set a button widget's value to the page name you want, and set it's target to the pageName. When the button is clicked, the page changes.


Most theme options set CSS vars. --pane-transform is special. It sets the transform of panes, but only after replacring every instance of random() with a random number. This works on a per-pane individual basis. I don't see many better ways to implement a "rustic" type effect.

Try this for a very wobbly look: scale(calc(calc(random() * 0.05) + 0.975)) rotate(calc(calc(random() * 2deg) - 1deg)) translate(calc(random() * 10px),calc(random() * 10px)) skew(calc(random() * 1.5deg))


While freeboard runs as a stand-alone app out of the box, you can augment and control it from javascript with a simple API. All API calls are made on the freeboard singleton object.

freeboard.initialize(allowEdit, [callback])

Must be called first to initialize freeboard.

allowEdit (boolean) - Sets the initial state of freeboard to allow or disallow editing.

callback (function) - Function that will be called back when freeboard has finished initializing.


Clear the contents of the freeboard and initialize a new dashboard.


Serializes the current dashboard and returns a javascript object.

freeboard.loadDashboard(configuration, [callback])

Load the dashboard from a serialized dashboard object.

configuration (object) - A javascript object containing the configuration of a dashboard. Normally this will be an object that has been created and saved via the freeboard.serialize() function.

callback (function) - Function that will be called back when the dashboard has finished loading.

freeboard.setEditing(editing, animate)

Programatically control the editing state of the of dashboard.

editing (bool) - Set to true or false to modify the view-only or editing state of the board.

animate (function) - Set to true or false to animate the modification of the editing state. This animates the top-tab dropdown (the part where you can edit datasources and such).


Returns boolean depending on whether the dashboard is in in the view-only or edit state.


Register a datasource plugin. See for information on creating plugins.

plugin (object) - A plugin definition object as defined at


Register a widget plugin. See for information on creating plugins.

plugin (object) - A plugin definition object as defined at


Show/hide the loading indicator. The loading indicator will display an indicator over the entire board that can be useful when you have some code that takes a while and you want to give a visual indication and to prevent the user from modifying the board.

show (boolean) - Set to true or false to show or hide the loading indicator.

freeboard.showDialog(contentElement, title, okButtonTitle, cancelButtonTitle, okCallback, cancelCallback)

Show a styled dialog box with custom content.

contentElement (DOM or jquery element) - The DOM or jquery element to display within the content of the dialog box.

title (string) - The title of the dialog box displayed on the top left.

okButtonTitle (string) - The string to display in the button that will be used as the OK button. A null or undefined value will result in no button being displayed.

cancelButtonTitle (string) - The string to display in the button that will be used as the Cancel button. A null or undefined value will result in no button being displayed.

okCallback (function) - A function that will be called if the user presses the OK button.


Returns an object with the current settings for a datasource or null if no datasource with the given name is found.

datasourceName (string) - The name of a datasource in the dashboard.

freeboard.setDatasourceSettings(datasourceName, settings)

Updates settings on a datasource.

datasourceName (string) - The name of a datasource in the dashboard.

settings (object) - An object of key-value pairs for the settings of the datasource. The values specified here will be combined with the current settings, so you do not need specify every setting if you only want to update one. To get a list of possible settings for a datasource, consult the datasource documentation or code, or call the freeboard.getDatasourceSettings function.


Transitions to a new page. If the page doesn't exist, creates it. Names are the same as those in the page manager.


Return the currently active page

freeboard.on(eventName, callback)

Attach to a global freeboard event.

eventName (string) - The name of a global event. The following events are supported:

"dashboard_loaded" - Occurs after a dashboard has been loaded.

"initialized" - Occurs after freeboard has first been initialized.

callback (function) - The callback function to be called when the event occurs.

freeboard.bindHandlers(obj, [element])

Binds supported handler functions on obj to event handlers. Element specific ones are skipped if no element is provided.

The reason for this is to allow your plugins to expose a scripting api, when combined with the constructor datatype, in a consistent way, so that any event can be used anywhere.

The calculated setting result for these settings in widgets will be suitable for use as a handler.

Since datasources do not support calculated settings, you must compile the raw data given, manually, to make it a handler.

var constructor = new Function('datasources', settingValue)
var handler = new constructor(datasources)

Current support:

  • onClick() (element specific, the same as JQ's .on() API)

  • onChange() (element specific, the same as JQ's .on() API)

  • onInput() (element specific, the same as JQ's .on() API)

  • onMouuseEnter/onMouseLeave() (element specific, the same as JQ's .on() API)

  • onMouseUp/onMouseDown() (element specific, the same as JQ's .on() API)

  • onSecond() (Calls function every second)

  • onTick() (Calls every "tick" which is 1/48 seconds currently, may become adjustable)

  • onPageLoaded(e) (Calls function when a new page is loaded. will be the name of the new page)

  • onUnbind(e) (Called when unbindHandlers is used, use this for destructors)

freeboard.unbindHandlers(obj, [element])

Does exactly the opposite of bindHandlers. Use it on the exact original object, with none of the functions changed, to implement cleanup of an old set of bindings, when settings change or plugins are unloaded.


Dict of booleans. While there is at least one true value, leaving the page results in a prompt.

freeboard.unsaved['Board Definition'] is automatically reset to false when you download the board, and set to true when modifying widgets, etc.

Use your own descriptive key for anything not part of the board definition.


sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Don't use the apt-get version, it fails to find liftoff

Building Plugins

See for info on how to build plugins for freeboard.

Informal spec that this fork suggests:

  1. Your plugin must work if a datasurce or data target is missing. Correctly handle undefined, and let the datatargets setter create in when needed
  2. Your plugin must not memory leak and should correctly clean up after itself, without doing anything bad. Expect it to be used in multi-page boards

Testing Plugins

Just edit index.html and add a link to your javascript file near the end of the head.js script loader, like:

{ //DOM Ready


Copyright © 2013 Jim Heising (
Copyright © 2013 Bug Labs, Inc. (
Licensed under the MIT license.


A fully themable, old-school HyperCard,VB,Excel inspired RAD in your browser, upgraded for the modern age.








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  • JavaScript 78.9%
  • CSS 19.6%
  • HTML 1.5%