Releases: Esri/large-network-analysis-tools
Large Network Analysis Tools
Large Network Analysis Tools
Important bug fix to correctly support cutoffs in the Solve Large OD Cost Matrix tool, which were quietly failing to handle unit conversions correctly when using time-based impedances.
You should definitely get this update.
You might want to re-run your analyses if:
- You were using a time-based impedance
- You were using a cutoff
- You were distance units that weren't Miles.
The Solve Large Analysis With Known OD Pairs tool was not impacted by this problem and has not been updated in this release.
Large Network Analysis Tools
Adds support for 64bit ObjectID feature class inputs and outputs. No functional changes.
Large Network Analysis Tools
Fix bug in retrieving catalog paths of network dataset layers extracted from MMPKs. If you haven't gotten an error when using your network dataset layer, this problem likely doesn't affect you, and you don't need to update.
Large Network Analysis Tools
Restructure how the loggers in the subprocesses are initialized. They should not be initialized when the module is imported but rather only initialized when needed. No substantive changes to the tools in this PR, just some code clean-up and improvement.
Large Network Analysis Tools
Just some code clean-up and refactoring. No functionality changes or bug fixes, so no need to update from the previous release if you're already up and running.
Large Network Analysis Tools
Fix unicode decode issues that may occur when using non-ascii characters
Large Network Analysis Tools
Minor change to prevent users from deleting an existing folder when using CSV or Arrow outputs in the Solve Large OD Cost Matrix tool. No changes to how to tool works, just a minor change in the parameter validation code.
Large Network Analysis Tools
This release adds a parameter to turn off spatial sorting of origins and destinations in the Solve Large OD Cost Matrix tool, which is useful if the inputs are already spatially sorted.
Large Network Analysis Tools
Minor bug fix in tool validation when using a mobile geodatabase network dataset