My configs for arch
Should you want to use this config read everything carefully, or else something might explode.
Out of respect for the artist I am not including the artworks themselves in this repo, you will have to download them yourselve from Dino's Twitter/Pixiv
Used artworks:
The rofi theme is not made by me, but I sadly can't find whoever made this since it's been a while since pulled it. If you know where I took it from, please tell me so I can credit them!
- i3wm
- polybar
- picom
- feh (specify path to your wallpapers in .config/i3/services.i3conf)
- rofi
- vivaldi-stable
- pavucontrol
- neovim
- ranger
- kitty
- clangd
- python3
- npm
- For polybar (specify path to script in polybar config): now-playing
- redshift
- Basics:
sudo pacman -Sy i3wm polybar picom feh rofi
- Further:
sudo pacman -Sy i3wm polybar picom feh rofi vivaldi pavucontrol neovim ranger kitty
- Dependencies:
sudo pacman -Sy i3wm polybar picom feh rofi vivaldi pavucontrol neovim ranger kitty clangd python3 npm
Simply copy all configs to the appropiate directory on your system.
Usually it's enough to copy .config
to your home directory, e.g. ~/