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epicbox-nodejs - Installation Files for 3.0.0

Files for Installing the epicbox Server

Read the epicbox Installation pdf for specifics

Includes binaries as well as sample config and service files


Install and Run an Epicbox Relay Server

If you would like to run a local epicbox server for your state or country, please follow these steps. It is assumed you are logged in as root or running sudo su.

Prepare a server class computer running linux (Ubuntu 20.04, Mint 20.3, VPS is OK)

Create user 'epic' cd /home/epic

Download and unzip into /home/epic

chown epicbox, epicboxlib, config.json to epic:epic and make binaries executable (if not already) in /home/epic

Create a DNS entry pointing to epicbox.your-domain

Install nginx

In epicbox.nginx: modify domain to epicbox.your.domain then copy to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

  • $ systemctl restart nginx

Install certbot and run to update the nginx file:

  • $ apt install certbot
  • $ apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
  • $ certbot --nginx --redirect -d your.domain -d epicbox.your.domain -m youremailaddress --agree-tos --no-eff-email

Restart nginx service

  • $ systemctl restart nginx

Install mongodb:

Copy mongod.conf to /etc

  • $ systemctl enable mongod
  • $ systemctl start mongod
  • $ systemctl status mongod

Monitor mongodb with 'journalctl -fu mongod.service'

Epicbox Server:

In config.json: change "epicbox_domain": "epicbox.your.domain" to your own domain

  • $ cp epicbox.service /etc/systemd/system
  • $ systemctl daemon-reload
  • $ systemctl start epicbox
  • $ systemctl enable epicbox

Monitor epicbox with 'journalctl -fu epicbox'

Create mongodb index (after epicbox has processed one transaction to create the epicbox db and slates collection):

  • $ mongosh
use epicbox
db.slates.createIndex({queue:1, made:1, createdat: 1})
db.slates.createIndex({messageid:1, made:1})
db.slates.createIndex({ "createdat": 1 }, {expireAfterSeconds: 604800 })

Note: epicbox created from app_mongo.js at

(run pkg -t node18 -o epicbox app_mongo.js)

Update Existing Server:

  • $ systemctl stop epicbox

Download and unzip epicbox and epicboxlib into /home/epic as user: epic ($ su epic)

Check config.json in .zip for changes and unzip if it needs updating

In config.json: change "epicbox_domain": "epicbox.your.domain" to your own domain (if updated)

  • $ systemctl start epicbox


Installation files for epicbox Server







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