This is the dataset distributed in my paper "Segmentation-based Phishing URL Detection". The paper is published in WI-IAT '21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. Paper is available @.
Phishing Dataset : We collected phishing URLs from PhishTank , the most popular site distributing phishing websites, from May 2021 to June 2021.
Legitimate Dataset : Legitimate URLs were prepared by the following steps:
- legitimate domains were chosen randomly from a set of domains included in the IP2Location dataset consistently from January 2021 to March 2021,
- Each chosen domain was accessed by Apache Nutch crawler to gather the web pages located in the same domain at most 100 pages, and
- A legitimate URL was randomly chosen from the gathered URLs in each domain. Note that URLs in IP2Location consist of both legitimate and phishing URLs; however, we assume that most URLs are legitimate.
A balanced dataset with 10,000 legitimate and 10,000 phishing URLs and an imbalanced dataset with 50,000 legitimate and 5,000 phishing URLs were prepared.
Label 0 represents Legitimate URL
Label 1 represents Phishing URL