- 🔭 I’m currently working as an iOS Developer and Registered Pharmacy Technician
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Java and Kotlin
- 💬 Ask me about Swift, Xcode, iPhones, and Pokemon!
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact: Im a huge fan of Old School Runescape and Nintendo
- Programmatic UI Design
- UIKit
- SwiftUI
- AVFoundation
- Speech for Voice Regonition
- SCLAlertView
- User Defaults
- UserNotifications
- Google Ads
-Programmatic UI Design
- UIKit Framework
- AVFoundation for media handling
- SCLAlertView for enhanced alerts
- MVC architecture
- UserDefaults
- UserNotifications for timely alerts
- Google Ads integration
- Programmatic UI Elements
- UIKit Framework
- CoreData for efficient data management
- Export TableView data to CSV format for various spreadsheets
- SCLAlertView for enhanced alerts
- MVC architecture
- JSON parsing for data handling