This is a "web app" project that offers an event management and ticket sales system. You can create and edit events in the project, open an account, log in to your existing account, and simulate a purchase by viewing the event details. It is a multi-page web application and uses a local server.
Firstly, you need to install node javascript runtime enviroment for run the project. After installing the project to your computer, you need to install the dependencies in the "package.json" file. For example;
Use the node package manager to install express.
npm install express
If you want to install all dependicies at once, you can use the command below.
npm install
You can use the command below for run the project. If you install nodemon before, you can use other command below.
node app.js
If you have nodemon use this;
nodemon app.js
After that, you can go to "localhost:3000" address. (This project uses 3000 port number. If 3000 port is full, please change port number on project or release this port.)
You can use "ctrl+c" on the command line panel for stop the server.