Going Foward -color code blocks -error message -editable distribution code
-noneditable distribution code?
**asterisks indicate non-MVP extended functionality
-Three sections of page:
1. toolbar/menu of buttons for various lines of code
2. container where code appears and can be edited
3. canvas where code is run
** built in tutorials (build a car, etc), editor with distibution code
-"blocks" or lines of code to be dropped into editable container
-different sections of blocks depending on user (three part menu)
**blocks colored according to type
-new line of code appears according to dropped location
*lines always appear on a new line
*contents are partiallly editable (can't remove paretheses, key words)
**cursor then moves to parameters to motivate completion
**color picker for background and fill blocks
- new code is rendered from container when run button is clicked
*new code is rendered dynamically, without needing to click run button
**Similar to khan academy, an error message appears to indicate a mistake in the code