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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 21, 2025. It is now read-only.

Security: DiddiLeija/text_formatter


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Here's a list of all the versions to be released on PyPI.

Those versions with a ✅ are supported, maybe they are stable or being developed right now. Those with a ⚠️ are still being stable, but will be deprecated or even yanked in the future. And those with an ❌ are no longer supported or hasn't been released yet. Those versions with a ❔ are in development, and only accept enhancement proposals, not bug reports.

Version Supported Status
1.0.0 On development

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you find a vulnerability, please report this on the issues page.

If you find the way to fix that vulnerability, and you are a first time contributor, please open the respective issue or comment on an existing one before publishing a pull request. This will let us to know what's the problem before suggesting a pull request.

There aren’t any published security advisories