Greetings from my GitHub repository! I have experience in Solidity, JavaScript, Go, and TypeScript as a full-stack blockchain developer. A display of my work and contributions to the blockchain community can be found in this repository. You may find a range of projects and code examples here, whether you're interested in building smart contracts, decentralized apps (dApps), or blockchain infrastructure.
I have a strong interest in blockchain technology and have been exploring and developing decentralized systems for the past 3 years. My capabilities include:
Solidity: Skilled at developing reliable and effective smart contracts for the Ethereum blockchain and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
Building frontend interfaces, dApps, and communicating with smart contracts with web3 frameworks is experience in JavaScript/TypeScript.
Go: Skilled in creating blockchain infrastructure, tools, and apps, especially for networks like Ethereum, Solana and Binance Smart Chain.
The following are a some of the major projects that can be found in this repository:
JOBIFY : The Job Tracking App is a versatile and user-friendly web application designed to streamline the process of managing job applications, interviews, and career progress.
CARD GAME : This project is a blockchain-based card game where players can collect, trade, and battle with unique NFT (Non-Fungible Token) cards. This repository contains the server-side code responsible for managing user accounts, game logic, and interactions with the blockchain.
App Master : This project serves as the central hub for managing and maintaining the fleet of vehicles in the WeGo car-sharing platform.
If you're interested in exploring my projects or using my code as a reference, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository: Use the following command to clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Explore Projects: Navigate to the specific project folders within the repository to find detailed instructions on how to set up and run each project.
Get in Touch: If you have questions, feedback, or collaboration opportunities, feel free to reach out to me via [email protected] 📫
I actively contribute to the blockchain development community and open-source projects. If you'd like to collaborate on a project or have any suggestions for improvements or additions to my existing work, please don't hesitate to contact me
All code in this repository is open-source and available under the LICENSE file. Please review the license for specific terms and conditions regarding usage and distribution.
Thank you for visiting my GitHub repository. I look forward to connecting and collaborating with fellow blockchain enthusiasts and developers. Happy coding! 🚀