JavaScript ES6
Google Firebase
Stripe Payment
Redux Thunks
modular SCSS
This application aims at E-Commerce web product which serve collectors of quality movies or various entertainment DVD/Blu-ray for their rare value.
Product category pages, checkout cart, and payment system, Log in /Sign up.
Reusable React components for Product Categories and User Log in / Sign up / Sign out
Redux global state management for product list and user status
Firebase Backend for User Authentification with Google Omniauth and product category/list
Stripe Payment integration for cart checkout system
Memoization with Selectors for cart products or product categories
State Normalization for large data set for performance enhancement
Code Splitting to avoid winding up too big
React Lazy and Suspense for dynamic import when it is needed
Nested Routing to dynamically build routes with parent routes to their children
HOC Patterns, a function that takes a component and returns a new component
React Devtools Profiler
Asynchronous Thunks Middleware
Modular SCSS
Responsive Flex and Grid Design
- User profile pages
- Admin page
- Searching
- Amazon products API
- Detail product pages
MIT © Justin K Lee