The DevExpress MAUI MVVM Library ships as part of the DevExpress .NET MAUI Mobile UI component suite.
Use the DevExpress MAUI MVVM Library to leverage MVVM design patterns in your next great MAUI application. Our MVVM library is based on the .NET Community Toolkit.
Register your DevExpress NuGet Feed within Visual Studio to restore packages used in this solution. Refer to the following article for additional information: Get Started with DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI.
Watch the following YouTube video to get started with DevExpress .NET MAUI controls: Setting up a .NET MAUI Project.
This repository demonstrates the following basic features available in the DevExpress MAUI MVVM Library:
- Dispatcher
- Navigation Service
- Popup Service
- Validation
- Localization Service
- Print Service
- Save File Picker
- File Picker
- File System
- UI Service
- Dependency Injections
- Demo App
- Stocks App
- Data Form
- Data Editors
- Data Grid
- Collection View
- Charts
- Scheduler
- Tab Page
- Tab View
- Drawer Page
- Drawer View
- Collection View
- Popup
(you will be redirected to to submit your response)