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reStructuredText (RST) Tutorial

Learn to write beautiful documents

reStructuredText (one word) is a plain-text markup language for writing technical documents, books, websites, and more. It is easy to read and write because it is just regular text and all you need is a simple text editor. Even Notepad would suffice. Despite it being written in plain-text, it is powerful enough to create professional technical documentation, books, and websites.

There are software tools that will convert your plain-text document in to the desired output format. For example: HTML, PDF, ePub, or custom. It is capable of auto-generating table-of-contents, hyperlinks between documents, creating headings, tables, and many other elements. It is also extendable and customizable.

In this tutorial, we will walk through everything you need to know to excel with reStructuredText. We will start with th e basics, but if you follow through to the end, you will have a deep understanding of how it works and how to extend the source code to suit your own needs.

The Python community were the first adopters since it's design specification was written as a Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) by David Goodger in 2001.

PEP-257: Docstring Conventions PEP-258: Docutils Design Specification

Do not be misled in to believing reStructuredText is only good for Python documentation. Python does use reStructuredText as the standard documentation, but it can be used for any kind of documentation and even writing books and making HTML pages. GitHub supports reStructuredText and will automatically process a README.rst and provide the HTML output if someone lands on your project.

This is aimed at technical writers, programmers, and authors who want an easy yet powerful way to write documents and books. If you are already familiar with Markdown, reStructuredText should come naturally. It is just as easy to get started with, but has many more powerful features available. If you are currently using Markdown, I highly recommend you give reStructuredText a chance. The learning curve is small if you already know very basic Markdown syntax.

Before getting in to all of the features, let's look at a very basic reStructuredText file. reStructuredText files typically have .rst or .txt extensions. Here is a simple document:

My Project Readme
Clever subtitle goes here


This is an example reStructuredText document that starts at the very top
with a title and a sub-title. There is one primary header, Introduction.
There is one example subheading below.
The document is just plain text so it is easily readable even before
being converted to HTML, man page, PDF or other formats.


The basic syntax is not that different from Markdown, but it also
has many more powerful features that Markdown doesn't have. We aren't
taking advantage of those yet though.

- Bullet points
- Are intuitive
- And simple too

That's a basic reStructuredText document. We haven't looked at any of the more powerful features like hyperlinking or adding images yet. You can save this file as README.rst or whatever you want and then store it. If you are familiar with Markdown syntax, you'll notice it's not very different. GitHub also supports .rst files so if you include a README.rst, GitHub will convert it to HTML when people land on the repository.

There are two primary tools for converting reStructuredText in to finished products. First, there is docutils which is contains the core parser and writer tools. Then there is Sphinx which is built on top of docutils and intended for larger projects. Sphinx adds even more functionality and can be used to create very professional looking documents.

docutils is a Python package that contains classes and scripts that can parse, format, and output to various formats like HTML.

Install docutils

Install the Python docutils package in the terminal using pip with:

python -m pip install docutils

Convert RST documents

There are several tools that come with the package, but some primary ones are:


These tools will output to stdout that can be piped to a file like this:

rst2html5 mydoc.rst > mydoc.html

You can create custom functions called directives to enhance your markup. You can also create custom writers to output the parsed document in different ways.

Sphinx is built on top of docutils. While tools like rst2html5 that come with docutils will turn a .rst file in to a .html, it is generally good for a single page. Sphinx is good for larger documentation or writing projects. You can have multiple .rst files in your project to organize and link between them. Sphinx is much more powerful and can be used to publish books and websites using reStructuredText.

Sphinx has a few output options. Among the options are building a website of multiple HTML documents that link together. When you view documentation on or you read the official Python documentation, those are Sphinx generated pages. You can also build it as a single- page HTML document. It also offers plain-text, PDF, epub, and LaTeX builders.

Sphinx also adds a few custom directives (the .. prefixed functions) like the toctree which allows you to embed the table of contents and link to another document.

If you are going for "serious" documentation, Sphinx is the choice.

Install Sphinx

Sphinx is a Python package build on top of docutils and can be installed with pip like this:

python -m pip install sphinx

Start a new project

Once sphinx is installed, you don't generally invoke sphinx-build directly to build a project the way you call something like rst2html. Instead, you call sphinx-quickstart which will generate a new project with its own build script. For example, this command will create a new directory called docs and put the project inside of it:

sphinx-quickstart docs

It will prompt you for a project name and an author name, as well as many other questions. You can select all of the defaults if you are unsure.

The new project will have an index.rst for you to start editing, as well as a Makefile and a make.bat so you can build it on Windows. It will also have a directory for templates and building if you want to customize the output. You can add custom CSS and HTML.

Edit the index.rst and add other pages and subdirectories as needed. When you are done editing, you can make/build the project with the make command.

Build the project

Once you are ready to build the reStructuredText documents in to their final form, you call make:

make  # Will print all options
make.bat # In Windows, sphinx-quickstart creates a make.bat in project root

# Build the documents to various formats
make html
make singlehtml
make epub
make man
make latex
make text

# Python specific (not covered here)
make doctest   # Run unit tests embedded in docstrings
make coverage  # Check documentation coverage of code

They will end up in the _build directory.

Pandoc is a universal document converter. It can take sources in reStructuredText, Markdown, LaTeX, Microsoft Word docx, Open Document odt, HTML, epub, and many others and convert it in to various output formats including HTML, docx, odt, ppt, epub, PDF, or other markup formats like Markdown, RST, AsciiDoc.

Pandoc is intended to be a uinversal may behave slightly differently from dedicated RST tools like docutils and Sphinx which uses docutils. I would only recommend using Pandoc if you have special requirements to convert to a format that is not suported by docutils and sphinx.

Install pandoc

Full installation instructions at

Releases for Windows, Mac, Linux are available for download on GitHub at

  • Windows: Download the installer from the pandoc releases page.
  • Mac: Use brew to install: brew install pandoc
  • Linux: Download the linux.tar.gz file and extract it. The bin/ directory contains the pandoc executable. Alternatively, in Debian based distributions, there is a .deb package available for download on that GitHub releases page.

The website is a great website that will build and host your documentation for you. You can use Sphinx, Mkdcocs, or generate your own documents. I recommend using Sphinx. When you use sphinx-quickstart to generate a docs/ directory in your project, will know what to do. Sign up and tell about your repository, and set up a webhook to automatically build and host your documentation any time there is a git push.

They will host multiple versions of documentation, you can use their theme or custom themes, and it even makes PDF and ePub versions available.

This is a mashup of common syntax. It's like a cheatsheet for quick reference. There is some freedom with reStructuredText that allows you to pick different characters for creating headers and bulleted lists. As long as you are consistent throughout your document it will interpret the headers automatically. This example uses my preferred characters and styling for headings.

Overline and underline combined is separate from just underline. The lines can be created with any of the following characters, based on preference. You just need to be consistent within a single document, ' " . , : ; ! ? - ) ] } / \ >.

Try saving the contents of this example to sample.rst and build it to HTML to see how it looks yourself with:

rst2html5 sample.rst > sample.html

Some of the elements covered in this example are:

  • Headings
  • Comments
  • Images
  • Lists
  • Preformatted text
  • Code blocks
  • Links
  • Footnotes
  • Transitions/lines/horizontal rules
  • Tables
  • Preserving line breaks

Here is the sample reStructuredText:

Document Title

.. contents:: Overview
   :depth: 3

Section 1

Text can be *italicized* or **bolded**  as well as ``monospaced``.
You can \*escape certain\* special characters.

Subsection 1 (Level 2)

Some section 2 text

Sub-subsection 1 (level 3)

Some more text.



.. This is a comment
   Special notes that are not shown but might come out as HTML comments


Add an image with:

.. image:: screenshots/file.png
   :height: 100
   :width: 200
   :alt: alternate text

You can inline an image or other directive with the |customsub| command.

.. |customsub| image:: image/image.png
              :alt: (missing image text)


- Bullet are made like this
- Point levels must be consistent
    * Sub-bullets
        + Sub-sub-bullets
- Lists

    Definition for term
    Definition for term 2

:List of Things:
    item1 - these are 'field lists' not bulleted lists
    item 3

:Something: single item
:Someitem: single item

Preformatted text

A code example prefix must always end with double colon like it's presenting something::

    Anything indented is part of the preformatted block
  It gets back to
 Allll the way left

Now we're out of the preformatted block.

Code blocks

There are three equivalents: ``code``, ``sourcecode``, and ``code-block``.

.. code:: python

   import os

.. sourcecode::

  # Equivalent

.. code-block::

  # Equivalent


Web addresses by themselves will auto link, like this:

You can also inline custom links: `Google search engine <>`_

This is a simple link_ to Google with the link defined separately.

.. _link:

This is a link to the `Python website`_.

.. _Python website:

This is a link back to `Section 1`_. You can link based off of the heading name
within a document.


Footnote Reference [1]_

.. [1] This is footnote number one that would go at the bottom of the document.

Or autonumbered [#]

.. [#] This automatically becomes second, based on the 1 already existing.


Any 4+ repeated characters with blank lines surrounding it becomes an hr line, like this.



| Time   | Number | Value  |
| 12:00  | 42     | 2      |
| 23:00  | 23     | 4      |

Preserving line breaks

Normally you can break the line in the middle of a paragraph and it will
ignore the newline. If you want to preserve the newlines, use the ``|`` prefix
on the lines. For example:

| These lines will
| break exactly
| where we told them to.

Sphinx has a special directive for building linking pages together and embedding a table of contents from another page. The toctree directive will essentially import the headings/table of contents from the file specified. It is good for creating a master landing page that links to sub-documents. Here is an example of its usage snipped from the Python official documentation at

.. toctree::



And inside each one of those directories/.rst files, you can put more toctree elements if you have nested levels of complexity.

The docutils package comes with several writers, including html4, html5, and odf. If you aren't satisfied with the existing output formats, you can create a custom Writer. You can subclass the existing writers if you want to extend or modify them. We will look at how to extend the docutils.writers.html5_polyglot.Writer class to override different methods and modify the output.

We'll make a custom writer that outputs slightly modified HTML and we will print out just the body with no HTML boilerplate. The goal is to generate HTML that can be inserted in to a content management system like Drupal where it is assumed the outer HTML template and CSS styling is already available and all you need is the content section.

docutils provides the base classes and tools needed. We will need to get more familiar with the writer and translator classes. They are intimately tied together and we will be creating subclasses of both.

I found a great tutorial on this topic at that covers this topic. I recommend giving it a read.

After inspecting the source code for docutils, this is how the class structure is set up for the html writer and translator.

Writer class heirarchy for the HTML writers:

  • docutils.writers.Writer
    • docutils.writers._html_base.Writer
      • docutils.writers.html5_polyglot.Writer
      • docutils.writers.html4css1.Writer

Translator class heirarchy for HTML translators:

  • docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor
    • docutils.nodes.GenericNodeVisitor
    • docutils.writers._html_base.HTMLTranslator
      • docutils.writers.html5_polyglot.HTMLTranslator
      • docutils.writers.html4css1.HTMLTranslator

You need to define a custom Writer and Translator. The translator defines the logic used by the writer on how to output/wrap each node. You can subclass an existing writer. These are some of the existing writer and translator classes related to HTML output.

Note that this is only a few of the writer classes, there are several other subclasses in the docutils.writers package, but these are the ones we're interested in since we're looking for custom HTML output. You can subclass any one of these, depending on how much logic you want to inherit. We should choose wether to subclass the lowest level class like docutils.writers.Writer or the highest level one available in the html5_polyglot module, docutils.writers.html5_polyglot.Writer.

Here is a minimal example of how to create and use your own writer. In this case, we are simply inheriting the behavior of the html5_polyglot writer and translator that come with docutils package. We aren't modifying any of the behavior yet, but it's a good starting place.

Custom writer example:

"""Minimal writer/translator for customizing docutils output"""
from docutils.writers import html5_polyglot
from docutils.core import publish_string

class MyCustomHTMLTranslator(html5_polyglot.HTMLTranslator):

class MyCustomHTMLWriter(html5_polyglot.Writer):
    def __init__(self ):
        self.translator_class = MyCustomHTMLTranslator

if __name__ == '__main__':
    html_output = publish_string(source='Put reStructured text here.',

That example will run and output HTML. Now you are free to modify the behavior of the writer or the translator. To see how they work under the hood, look in to the source code of its parent class, and the parent of that class too. Find what functions you want to override and implement them in your class.

Since we want to lower the heading level by one, we should replace the method that is in charge or outputting those header tags. I found it in docutils.writers._html_base.HTMLTranslator.visit_title() so I implemented a visit_title() method in my own translator by copy and pasting the original one as a starting place. Here is the full code used.

Custom HTML writer example:

A custom docutils writer that will convert reStructuredText (RST) to html5,
but slightly modified from the html5_polyglot writer. The goal is to output
only the HTML body with the intention of embedding it inside a larger HTML
document using a content management system (CMS) like Drupal, Wordpress,
or Django.

- It only outputs the body, from subtitle to end of document, no HTML
  boilerplate, no CSS, no title.
- It lowers the heading level by one. It assumes the h1 is being output
  as the document title by the CMS. The output starts with the subtitle,
  and goes to the end of the document.

Built using
as a reference.

It has a translator and a writer.

The translator is a  defines how to wrap or output each type of node.
At it's core, the translator is actually a ``nodes.GenericNodeVisitor``
that visits each node and decides how to process it.

The writer is what gets passed to the ``publish_*`` functions in the end
that process the document and provide HTML output.
The writer contains a reference to which translator it will use.

To use this writer, see the __main__ section at the bottom.
You call ``docutils.core.publish_*`` and pass it your customer writer.
from docutils.writers import html5_polyglot
from docutils import nodes
import os

class HTMLBodyTranslator(html5_polyglot.HTMLTranslator):
    Contains all the logic on how to wrap various nodes with HTML.
    For each node type, you can write a ``visit_*`` and ``depart_*``
    method. Copy the existing method from
    ``docutils.writers.html5_polyglot.HTMLTranslator`` if there is one,
    and modify it from there.

    Get list of all node types::

      >>> import docutils.nodes
      >>> docutils.nodes.node_class_names
      >>> help(docutils.nodes)

        abbreviation acronym address admonition attention attribution author
        block_quote bullet_list
        caption caution citation citation_reference classifier colspec comment
            compound contact container copyright
        danger date decoration definition definition_list definition_list_item
            description docinfo doctest_block document
        emphasis entry enumerated_list error
        field field_body field_list field_name figure footer
            footnote footnote_reference
        header hint
        image important inline
        label legend line line_block list_item literal literal_block
        math math_block
        option option_argument option_group option_list option_list_item
            option_string organization
        paragraph pending problematic
        raw reference revision row rubric
        section sidebar status strong subscript substitution_definition
            substitution_reference subtitle superscript system_message
        table target tbody term tgroup thead tip title title_reference topic

    def visit_title(self, node):
        # Modifed code, copied from parent class
        check_id = 0  # TODO: is this a bool (False) or a counter?
        close_tag = '</p>\n'
        if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.topic):
                  self.starttag(node, 'p', '', CLASS='topic-title first'))
        elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.sidebar):
                  self.starttag(node, 'p', '', CLASS='sidebar-title'))
        elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Admonition):
                  self.starttag(node, 'p', '', CLASS='admonition-title'))
        elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.table):
                  self.starttag(node, 'caption', ''))
            close_tag = '</caption>\n'
        elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.document):
            self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'h1', '', CLASS='title'))
            close_tag = '</h1>\n'
            self.in_document_title = len(self.body)
            assert isinstance(node.parent, nodes.section)
            h_level = self.section_level + self.initial_header_level# - 1
            atts = {}
            if (len(node.parent) >= 2 and
                isinstance(node.parent[1], nodes.subtitle)):
                atts['CLASS'] = 'with-subtitle'
                  self.starttag(node, 'h%s' % h_level, '', **atts))
            atts = {}
            if node.hasattr('refid'):
                atts['class'] = 'toc-backref'
                atts['href'] = '#' + node['refid']
            if atts:
                self.body.append(self.starttag({}, 'a', '', **atts))
                close_tag = '</a></h%s>\n' % (h_level)
                close_tag = '</h%s>\n' % (h_level)

    # Required override
    def should_be_compact_paragraph(self, node):
        if(isinstance(node.parent, nodes.block_quote)):
            return 0

class HTMLBodyWriter(html5_polyglot.Writer):
    A ``docutils`` writer that will output HTML intended to be used within
    a larger existing HTML document, like within a content management system
    blog post.

    Writer that inherits from ``distutils.writers.html5_polyglot.Writer``.
    but overrides the ``translator_class`` which makes a few tweaks
    like lowering the heading levels by one.

    def __init__(self ): = {}
        self.translator_class = HTMLBodyTranslator

if __name__ == '__main__':  #
    Take a filename from the first command-line argument,
    process it using the custom writer, and output the body section
    only to standard output.

    Example usage:: readme.rst > readme.html

    Then use that output as the content for your blog post.
    from docutils.core import publish_parts
    import sys

    # First argument provided on the command line is the RST file name
    with open(sys.argv[1]) as rst_file:
        rst_content =

    # publish_parts() will return a dictionary with the different
    # parts of the document, like head, stylesheet, body, already
    # processed and turned in to HTML, just separated for us.
    # There are other ``publish_*`` options like publish_cmdline,
    # publish_file, publish_string, and more.
    # If you want the final full standalone HTML document with all the
    # boilerplate,use ``publish_string()`` instead.
    output_document_parts = publish_parts(source=rst_content,

    # >>> output_parts.keys()  # List all of the parts available

    # ['whole', 'encoding', 'version', 'head_prefix', 'head', 'stylesheet',
    # 'body_prefix', 'body_pre_docinfo', 'docinfo', 'body', 'body_suffix',
    # 'title', 'subtitle', 'header', 'footer', 'meta', 'fragment',
    # 'html_prolog', 'html_head', 'html_title', 'html_subtitle', 'html_body']


The code above defines two classes and then provides a __main__ example of how to use it. The Writer class is very simple, and it just specifies which translator to use. The bulk of the logic lives in the translator class.

Directives are the special lines that start with two dots and are treated as special functions. Some examples we've already see are the table of contents .. contents:: and images .. image::. Under the hood, they really are just calling Python functions. You can create your own custom directives to execute special logic or output dynamic content.

There are several ways you can call a directive, depending on how much input you need to provide to the directive. Here are some different examples:

.. mydirective::

.. mydirective2:: Argument1

.. mydirective3:: Somevalue1
   :param1: somevalue2
   :param2: somevalue3

.. mydirective4::

  This is part of directive4.
  All of this will get passed to directive4.
  Until the indentation returns all the way to the left.

Now we're out of the directive body.

Read all about the built-in reStructuredText directives at

What if we made a:

.. beware:: dogs
.. image_carousel::
.. slideshow::

Start by looking at base directives Minimal example - extending an existing/base directive or full example - actually do something

Use an example Pygments is a Python package for highlighting source code. There is a ..code:: directive that uses Pygment.

In the Pygment source code repository it is in external/ We can use that as a good example.

Built-in directives can be found in the docutils.parsers.rst.directives package. In there, you will find all of the functions to register directives, call directives, and all of the directive classes like the Image class that corresponds with the ..image:: directive.

All reStructuredText directives inherit from the base class docutils.parsers.rst.Directive which is defined in docutils.parsers.rst.__init__.

..code:: python

# Defined in class Directive(object):

The docstring on this class is actually quite thorough you can access it easily using pydoc from the command line:

python -m pydoc docutils.parsers.rst.Directive

Or from the interactive python interpreter:

>>> import docutils.parsers.rst
>>> help(docutils.parsers.rst.Directive)

Refer to those sources for a full list of options. We'll look at a simple example to get you started.

# References: # - # -

Custom directive:

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, Directive

class MyCustomDirective(Directive):
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = True
option_spec = dict([(key, directives.flag) for key in VARIANTS])
has_content = True

def run(self):

    if error_condition:
        raise self.error('Error message.')

    # Does format='html' mean it will get ignored in text or odf output?
    # We create a node to return
    return [nodes.raw('', parsed, format='html')]

directives.register_directive('mydirective', MyCustomDirective)

if __name__ == '__main__':
reStructuredText_source = """
Custom directive test

.. mydirective::

My directive should have run now.

# Since the directive was registered already, it should get used when
# the parser runs when it encounters the ``.. mydirective::`` text.
html_output = publiish_string(source=reStructuredText_source, writer=html5_polyglot.Writer)



There are two steps:

  • Create a customer directive class that inherits from docutils.parsers.rst.Directive
  • Register the directive with docutils.parsers.rst.directives.directives.register_directive()

Once you have your directive registered, anytime you call one of the docutils.core.publish_* functions, it will process your directive if it sees on in the reStructuredText it parses.

Custom directive example:

class MyCustomDirective(Directive)
    print('it ran!')
    return(my custom node? a text node? a code bloc node? an image? etc)
    process without outputting anything?

directives.register('shortcutname', MyCustomDirective)

The previous example was a minimal skeleton. This example will actually do something.

There is a Sublime Text package that helps when writing reStrucutredText. It helps with navigation, formatting, collapsing blocks, and more.

You can find more information about the plugin at:

The plugin comes with several features, including:

  • Auto over/underline formatting for headers
  • Smart bullet lists
  • Quick build/preview shortcut
  • Section folding
  • Jump between headers

Use the Sublime Text package manager to install the plugin. Install that first if you do not already have it.

Then, to install the package, in Sublime Text:

  • Press Ctrl-Shift-P
  • Search for RST Snippets
  • Highlight the plugin in the search results and press enter to install.

There are several features in the plugin but I will cover a few basics. See full documentation at for full details.

  • When writing headers, just over/underline it with 3 characters and then press tab and it will auto complete the underlines to match the length of the title.
  • When making a bullet list, press enter and it will automatically add the next bullet point on the next line. You can also press tab to indent one more level and it will swap out the bullet character to match the next level.
  • Quick build/preview shortcut - Press Ctrl-Shift-R to build and preview the document.
  • Folding and unfolding - Press Shift-Tab while the cursor is on a heading
  • Jump between headers with Alt-Up/Down


Tutorial and reference for reStructuredText documentation.






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