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Deploy Reactjs and a Spring boot Java application on an EC2 Instance


AWS account with IAM credentials


  • Terraform

  • Ansible

  • Docker

Configure AWS CLI to connect to AWS account

  • Connect with an AWS user
  • CLI Access through Access key ID and Secret Access key

For this task i used configure AWS ACCESS with CLI Access through Access key ID and Secret Access key

  • aws configure

  • AWS Access Key ID : (which is given in the IAM users section)

  • AWS Secret Access Key : (which is given in the IAM users section)

  • Default region name : (set your preferred region, for ex: ap-south-1)

  • Default output format : (ser your preferred output format, for ex: json)

  • Configuration is automatically stored in your home directory under /.aws

For Iac I used terraform and ansible as the Configuration management


  • Create an AWS EC2 Instance with Terraform

  • Configure Inventory file using ansible to connect to AWS EC2 Instance

  • Install Docker and docker-compose

  • Copy docker-compose file to the server

Create an AWS EC2 Instance with Terraform

  • You can access the Terraform file here
  • Create your own "terraform.tfvars" file and include the following:
region               = "eu-west-3"
environment          = "production"
vpc_cidr_block       = ""
availability_zones   = ["eu-west-3a", "eu-west-3b", "eu-west-3c"]
vpc_name             = "Jumia_Phone_validator_vpc"
private_subnets      =  ["", "", ""]
public_subnets       =  ["", "", ""]
database_subnets     = ["", ""]
linux_ami            = "ami-05b5a865c3579bbc4"
linux_instance_type  = "t3.medium"
db_name              = "jumia_phone_validator_db"
db_engine_version    = "14.7"
db_engine            = "postgres"
db_instance_class    = "db.t3.large"
db_allocated_storage = 20
db_username          = "jumia"

Run terraform init (for initializing) and terraform apply to apply changes.

Ansible is being used for configuration management and for this challange i used ansible for severs configurations and installation of some packages.