Julia 64bit >= v1.6
The last version of this package, v0.6.0, isn't available yet for macOS or FreeBSD
using Pkg
pkg"add Dynare"
If you already have a version of Dynare installed (not in development mode):
using Pkg
Example (to be run in the directory Dynare.jl
using Dynare
context = @dynare "./test/models/example1/example1.mod";
The results are in the context
- calib_smoother
- check
- deterministic_trends
- endval
- histval
- initval
- perfect_foresight_setup (only some options)
- perfect_foresight_solver (only some options, includind lmmcp)
- planner_objective
- ramsey_model
- shocks
- steady (including numerical solution)
- stoch_simul (only order=1)
- The
structure is saved in the directory<path to modfile>/<modfilenane>/output/<modfilename>.jld2
. It can be loaded withusing JLD2 DD = load("<path to modfile>/<modefilename>/output/<modefilename>.jld2")``
- The IRF graphs are saved in
<path to modfile>/<modfilenane>/graphs
Dynare uses the PATH software by S. Dirkse, M.C. Ferris and T. Munson (https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ferris/path.html), as provided by PATHSolver.jl to solve prefect foresight models with occasionally binding constraints.
In order to use it, you need to add the free licence available at
https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ferris/path/LICENSE in your file
ENV["PATH_LICENSE_STRING"] = "licence number provided in the above link"
- Create a new folder in your
directory calledconfig
- In the
folder create a new text file:Right click → New → Text Document
- Inside the new text document, type:
ENV["PATH_LICENSE_STRING"] = "licence number provided in the above link"
- In the text document, go
File → Save as
- In the dropdown
Save as type
option at the bottom of the pop-up window selectAll files
- In the field
File name
- Press
- Go to
File → Open Folder
, navigate through your folders and choose the one where you want to create thestartup.jl
file - Go to
File → New Text File
- In the new text file, type
ENV["PATH_LICENSE_STRING"] = "licence number provided in the above link"
- Go to
File → Save
- In the dropdown
Save as type
option at the bottom of the pop-up window selectAll files
- In the field
File name
. - Press