- Uploaded by David
- Revised by Tania
- Communicated by Pau
- Uploaded by Tania
- Revised by Pau
- Communicated by David
- Connexión a BDD sql
- Uso de la lista de usuarios compartida
- Uploaded by Pau
- Revised by David
- Communicated by Tania
- Uploaded by David
- Revised by Tania
- Communicated by Pau
- Uploaded by Tania
- Revised by Pau
- Communicated by Dave
- Uploaded by Pau
- Revised by David
- Communicated by Tania
We have uploaded the source files of the client to better revise the code and commnents. It can be imported to unity.
There are two build files one for windows and the other for linux at the build directory.
##Instructions to change host The build is made to work with shiva at port 50060. To use local ip or change the shiva port it must be done by modifying the script ServerLogic.cs and rebuilding.