This project is a template based on Spring Boot for REST applications.
It already includes the following:
- Employee entity
- Repository layer for the entity
- Service layer for the entity
- Rest controller for CRUD-operations regarding the entity
- Simple web frontend based on Thymeleaf and Bootstrap 4
- Unit and Integration tests for all layers
For a quick start, just fill in the following properties in the file:
- spring.datasource.username
- spring.datasource.password
- spring.datasource.url
The included pom.xml contains the following dependencies:
- Spring Boot Starter
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA
- Spring Boot Starter Web
- Spring Boot Starter Thymeleaf
- Spring Boot DevTools
- Spring Boot Starter Test
- Other
- MySQL Connector
- Lombok
- Jackson Dataformat XML
- ModelMapper
- Jetbrains Annotations
- Google Guava
- Tests
- JUnit Jupiter
- H2-Database
- RestAssured
- Code analysis
- Findbugs
- Checkstyle
Other nice pre-configured things are:
- xml configuration file for logback
- Database initializer to populate the database with sample values
- application properties file for development and test (profiles)