- 🔭 I’m currently working on my personal portfolio/blog website https://danobe.dev, refactoring front end of verkehrsinfos.it with React and NextJS managing whatsapp groups concering where the police was sighted and forward messages to multiple groups (one group is limited to 1024 users)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning in my free time all about Web Development (NextJS & React, MDX, TypeScript), and @work in the Elektrisola company Java development + Angular web client.
- 🤔 I’m looking for good ideas in general to move something in the world :) You got a idea and need someone to work on it even just a fun project?
Hit me up, exchange of information is free ;) - 📫 How to reach me: All my information is sitting on the left of my profile :) or even on my website.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I may not be the best developer in the world but my energy flows towards to become the best developer possible I can for myself :)
Due to the fact that I'm working currently in a comapny I don't have time to push very often new content to my website or work on personal/community projects.