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DL tool for white matter hyperintensities segmentation

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Triplanar U-Net ensemble network (TrUE-Net) model

DL tool for white matter hyperintensities segmentation



If you use TrUE-Net, please cite the following papers:

For pretrained models:

If you use MWSC-trained model:

If you use UKBB-trained model:

  • Sundaresan, V., Dinsdale, N.K., Jenkinson, M. and Griffanti, L., 2022, March. Omni-Supervised Domain Adversarial Training for White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation in the UK Biobank. In 2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. [DOI:]


  • Main truenet dependencies:
    • Python > 3.6
    • PyTorch=1.5.0
  • Extra dependencies for pre-processing:
    • FMRIB software library (FSL) 6.0


To install the truenet tool do the following:

  1. Clone the git repository into your local directory.
  • If you are not familiar with GitHub then the easiest way is to use the button labelled <> Code (right hand side, just above the file list) on the main truenet page and select the Download ZIP option. After you've done this, move the zip file to where you want to have truenet installed and unzip it.
  1. Open up a terminal, go to the directory created when you unzipped the file, and then run:
python install
  1. Use the instructions in this document (simple usage is recommended for beginners)
  2. For more advanced usage, detailed lists of options for the subcommands are available in the command-line help:
truenet --help

And for options and inputs for each sub-command, type:

truenet <subcommand> --help (e.g. truenet train --help)

Preprocessing and preparing data for truenet

T1-weighted and/or FLAIR images, or similar (e.g. T2-weighted images), can be used as inputs for truenet. A series of preprocessing operations needs to be applied to any image that you want to use truenet on. A script for performing these preprocessing steps has been provided: prepare_truenet_data

This script performs the following steps:

  • reorienting image to the standard MNI space (using FSL FLIRT)
  • skull-stripping (using FSL BET)
  • bias field correction (using FSL FAST)
  • T1-weighted images (or similar) need to be registered to the FLAIR (or whatever image was used to make the manual masks) using linear rigid-body registration (using FSL FLIRT).
  • creating a white matter mask, obtained from a dilated and inverted cortical CSF tissue segmentation (combined with other deep grey exclusion masks, using FSL FAST) and the make bianca mask command in FSL BIANCA (Griffanti et al., 2016).


Usage: prepare_truenet_data <FLAIR_image_name> <T1_image_name> <output_basename>

The script prepares the FLAIR and T1 data to be used in FSL truenet with a specified output basename
FLAIR_image_name: name of the input unprocessed FLAIR image
T1_image_name: name of the input unprocessed T1 image
output_basename: name to be used for the processed FLAIR and T1 images (along with the absolute path);

output names are: output_basename_FLAIR.nii.gz, output_basename_T1.nii.gz and output_basename_WMmask.nii.gz will be saved


prepare_truenet_data FLAIR.nii.gz T1.nii.gz sub001

Simple usage


There are multiple options in how truenet can be used, but a simple summary is this:

  • to segment an image you use the evaluate mode
  • this requires an existing model to be used, where a model is a deep learning network (which is what is inside truenet) that has been trained on some dataset
  • you can use a pretrained model that is supplied with truenet (see below)
    • to use any of these pretrained models, your images need to match relatively well to those used to train the model
  • alternatively, you can use a model that you or someone else has trained from scratch (using the train mode of truenet)
  • another alternative is to take a pretrained model and fine tune this on your data, which is more efficient than training from scratch (that is, it requires less of your own labelled data for training)


To begin with we recommend that you try one of the pretrained models that is supplied with truenet (see below). If you find that this doesn't work as well as you would like then try fine tuning one of the pretrained models. If that still doesn't work well then try training from scratch.

Note that one reason that things might not work well is if the preprocessing fails, so make sure you check the preprocessing results before running trunet (looking at the images in fsleyes is normally the best way to check if the registrations, brain extractions and bias field corrections are good or not).

The simplest way to choose which pretrained model to choose is just by looking at example images from those datasets (see WMH challenge and UK Biobank) and deciding which ones look closer to yours or not. One of the reasons that different models are needed is that images vary between different MRI sequences and scanners. Sometimes the differences are obvious to the eye and sometimes not, and deep learning networks can sometimes be sensitive to subtle differences. If you are not sure which is closest then pick one and try it, and then try the other one if you are not happy.

When performing a fine tuning operation it is necessary to supply your own labelled images (i.e. images and manual segmentations) and for this to work we recommend that you have at least 14 images (though you can try with less and see if you are lucky). Typically, the more you have the better your chances of it adapting well to the characteristics of your images and/or the specifics of your segmentation protocol/preferences. Normally we would recommend trying fine tuning before training from scratch (and the latter isn't needed if your fine tuning results are good) but the one exception to this is when your images are obviously very different to those in the pretrained datasets, as in this case you are unlikely to get a good result from fine tuning.

When performing a training from scratch, the situation is similar to that for fine tuning - you need a set of your own labelled images, but you need more in this case and we would recommend a minimum of 25 images (though again, you can try your luck with less).

Naming conventions

When running truenet it is necessary to use certain specific names and locations for files:

  • for segmentation (evaluate mode) the images inside the specified input directory need to be named like the outputs from prepare_truenet_data :
    • that is: the FLAIR and/or T1 volumes should be named as basename_FLAIR.nii.gz and/or basename_T1.nii.gz respectively
  • each output directory that is specified must already exist; if not, use mkdir to create it prior to running truenet
  • for training or fine-tuning, all images need to be in one directory and named:
    • preprocessed images: subject_FLAIR.nii.gz and/or subject_T1.nii.gz
    • labelled images: (i.e. manual segmentations) need to be named subject_manualmask.nii.gz
    • where the subject part needs to be replaced with your subject identifier (e.g. sub-001)

The overall naming conventions are shown in the table below:

File Naming format
Preprocessed Input FLAIR <subject_name>_FLAIR.nii.gz
Preprocessed Input T1 <subject_name>_T1.nii.gz
Preprocessed Input GM distance map <subject_name>_GMdistmap.nii.gz
Preprocessed Input Ventricle distance map <subject_name>_ventdistmap.nii.gz
Manual mask <subject_name>_manualmask.nii.gz

Pretrained models

Names of arguments for -m for various pretrained models are given in the table below:

Model Pretrained on Naming format
Single channel, FLAIR only MICCAI WMH Segmentation Challenge Data mwsc_flair
Single channel, T1 only MICCAI WMH Segmentation Challenge Data mwsc_t1
Two channels, FLAIR and T1 MICCAI WMH Segmentation Challenge Data mwsc
Single channel, FLAIR only UK Biobank dataset ukbb_flair
Single channel, T1 only UK Biobank dataset ukbb_t1
Single channel, FLAIR and T1 UK Biobank dataset ukbb

Pretrained model recommendations:

  • It is highly recommended to use both modalities (FLAIR and T1) as a two channel input if it is possible.
  • If only one modality is used then FLAIR usually gives better results than just T1 (and use mwsc_flair or ukbb_flair for FLAIR alone).
  • mwsc models are ideal for fine-tuning on small datasets (<20 subjects) while ukbb models are better for larger ones.


Currently pretrained models, based on the MWSC (MICCAI WMH Segmentation Challenge) and UKBB (UK Biobank) datasets, are available at: These will be integrated more fully into FSL in the future, where these models will be available in the '$FSLDIR/data/truenet/models' folder. Currently, for testing purposes, you can download the models from the above drive link and place them into a folder of your choice. You then need to set the folder as an environment variable before running truenet. To do this, once you download the models into a folder, please type the following in the command prompt:

export TRUENET_PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH="/absolute/path/to/the/model/folder"

where you should replace /absolute/path/to/the/model/folder with the path to the folder that contains the *.pth files. Then you can run truenet commands using the pretrained models as if they were integrated into FSL. The above export command needs to be done once for each terminal that you open, prior to running truenet.


  • Using a pretrained model, run a segmentation on preprocessed data (from subject 1 in dataset A, stored in directory DatasetA/sub001 and containing files names sub001_T1.nii.gz and sub001_FLAIR.nii.gz, as created by prepare_truenet_data).

mkdir DatasetA/results001

truenet evaluate -i DatasetA/sub001 -m mwsc -o DatasetA/results001

  • Fine-tune an existing model using images and labels in the same directory (named sub001_FLAIR.nii.gz, sub001_T1.nii.gz and sub001_manualmask.nii.gz, sub002_FLAIR.nii.gz, sub002_T1.nii.gz, sub002_manualmask.nii.gz, etc.):

mkdir DatasetA/model_finetuned

truenet fine_tune -i DatasetA/Training-partial -m mwsc -o DatasetA/model_finetuned -l DatasetA/Training-partial -loss weighted

  • then apply this model to a new subject:

truenet evaluate -i DatasetA/newsub -m DatasetA/model_finetuned/Truenet_model_weights_beforeES -o DatasetA/newresults

  • Training a model from scratch using images and labels in the same directory (named sub001_FLAIR.nii.gz, sub001_T1.nii.gz and sub001_manualmask.nii.gz, sub002_FLAIR.nii.gz, sub002_T1.nii.gz, sub002_manualmask.nii.gz, etc.):

mkdir DatasetA/model

truenet train -i DatasetA/Training-full -l DatasetA/Training-full -m DatasetA/model -loss weighted

  • then apply this model to a new subject:

truenet evaluate -i DatasetA/newsub -m DatasetA/model/Truenet_model_weights_beforeES -o DatasetA/newresults

Advanced usage

Modes of operation

Details of the different commands and their options are available through the command-line help

Triplanar ensemble U-Net model, v1.0.1

Subcommands available:
    - truenet evaluate        Applying a saved/pretrained TrUE-Net model for testing
    - truenet fine_tune       Fine-tuning a saved/pretrained TrUE-Net model from scratch
    - truenet train           Training a TrUE-Net model from scratch
    - truenet cross_validate  Leave-one-out validation of TrUE-Net model

Applying the TrUE-Net model (performing segmentation)

truenet evaluate: evaluating the TrUE-Net model, v1.0.1

Usage: truenet evaluate -i <input_directory> -m <model_directory> -o <output_directory> [options]

Compulsory arguments:
       -i, --inp_dir                         Path to the directory containing FLAIR and T1 images for testing
       -m, --model_name                      Model basename with absolute path (if you want to use pretrained model, use mwsc/ukbb)
       -o, --output_dir                      Path to the directory for saving output predictions

Optional arguments:
       -cpu, --use_cpu                       Force the model to evaluate the model on CPU (default=False
       -nclass, --num_classes                Number of classes in the labels used for training the model (for both pretrained models, -nclass=2) default = 2]
       -int, --intermediate                  Saving intermediate prediction results (individual planes) for each subject [default = False]
       -cp_type, --cp_load_type              Checkpoint to be loaded. Options: best, last, everyN [default = last]
       -cp_n, --cp_everyn_N                  If -cv_type = everyN, the N value [default = 10]
       -v, --verbose                         Display debug messages [default = False]
       -h, --help.                           Print help message

Fine-tuning an existing TrUE-Net model

truenet fine_tune: training the TrUE-Net model from scratch, v1.0.1

Layers for fine-tuning truenet model.

Usage: truenet fine_tune -i <input_directory> -l <label_directory> -m <model_directory> -o <output_directory> [options]

Compulsory arguments:
       -i, --inp_dir                         Path to the directory containing FLAIR and T1 images for fine-tuning
       -l, --label_dir                       Path to the directory containing manual labels for training
       -m, --model_dir                       Model basename with absolute path. If you want to use pretrained model, use mwsc/ukbb
       -o, --output_dir                      Path to the directory where the fine-tuned model/weights need to be saved

Optional arguments:
       -cpld_type, --cp_load_type            Checkpoint to be loaded. Options: best, last, everyN [default = last]
       -cpld_n, --cpload_everyn_N            If everyN option was chosen for loading a checkpoint, the N value [default = 10]
       -ftlayers, --ft_layers                Layers to fine-tune starting from the decoder (e.g. 1 2 -> final two two decoder layers, refer to the figure above)
       -tr_prop, --train_prop                Proportion of data used for fine-tuning [0, 1]. The rest will be used for validation [default = 0.8]
       -bfactor, --batch_factor              Number of subjects to be considered for each mini-epoch [default = 10]
       -loss, --loss_function                Applying spatial weights to loss function. Options: weighted, nweighted [default=weighted]
       -gdir, --gmdist_dir                   Directory containing GM distance map images. Required if -loss = weighted [default = None]
       -vdir, --ventdist_dir                 Directory containing ventricle distance map images. Required if -loss = weighted [default = None]
       -nclass, --num_classes                Number of classes to consider in the target labels (nclass=2 will consider only 0 and 1 in labels;
                                             any additional class will be considered part of background class [default = 2]
       -plane, --acq_plane                   The plane in which the model needs to be fine-tuned. Options: axial, sagittal, coronal, all [default  all]
       -da, --data_augmentation              Applying data augmentation [default = True]
       -af, --aug_factor                     Data inflation factor for augmentation [default = 2]
       -sv_resume, --save_resume_training    Whether to save and resume training in case of interruptions (default-False)
       -ilr, --init_learng_rate              Initial LR to use in scheduler for fine-tuning [0, 0.1] [default=0.0001]
       -lrm, --lr_sch_mlstone                Milestones for LR scheduler (e.g. -lrm 5 10 - to reduce LR at 5th and 10th epochs) [default = 10]
       -gamma, --lr_sch_gamma                Factor by which the LR needs to be reduced in the LR scheduler [default = 0.1]
       -opt, --optimizer                     Optimizer used for fine-tuning. Options:adam, sgd [default = adam]
       -eps, --epsilon                       Epsilon for adam optimiser (default=1e-4)                                                                           -mom, --momentum                      Momentum for sgd optimiser (default=0.9)\n' 
       -bs, --batch_size                     Batch size used for fine-tuning [default = 8]
       -ep, --num_epochs                     Number of epochs for fine-tuning [default = 60]
       -es, --early_stop_val                 Number of fine-tuning epochs to wait for progress (early stopping) [default = 20]
       -sv_mod, --save_full_model            Saving the whole fine-tuned model instead of weights alone [default = False]
       -sv_resume, --save_resume_training    Whether to save and resume training in case of interruptions (default-False)
       -cv_type, --cp_save_type              Checkpoint to be saved. Options: best, last, everyN [default = last]
       -cp_n, --cp_everyn_N                  If -cv_type = everyN, the N value [default = 10]
       -v, --verbose                         Display debug messages [default = False]
       -h, --help                            Print help message

Training the TrUE-Net model from scratch

truenet train: training the TrUE-Net model from scratch, v1.0.1

Usage: truenet train -i <input_directory> -l <label_directory> -m <model_directory> [options]

Compulsory arguments:
       -i, --inp_dir                 Path to the directory containing FLAIR and T1 images for training
       -l, --label_dir               Path to the directory containing manual labels for training
       -m, --model_dir               Path to the directory where the training model or weights need to be saved

Optional arguments:
       -tr_prop, --train_prop        Proportion of data used for training [0, 1]. The rest will be used for validation [default = 0.8]
       -bfactor, --batch_factor      Number of subjects to be considered for each mini-epoch [default = 10]
       -loss, --loss_function        Applying spatial weights to loss function. Options: weighted, nweighted [default=weighted]
       -gdir, --gmdist_dir           Directory containing GM distance map images. Required if -loss=weighted [default = None]
       -vdir, --ventdist_dir         Directory containing ventricle distance map images. Required if -loss=weighted [default = None]
       -nclass, --num_classes        Number of classes to consider in the target labels (nclass=2 will consider only 0 and 1 in labels;
                                     any additional class will be considered part of background class [default = 2]
       -plane, --acq_plane           The plane in which the model needs to be trained. Options: axial, sagittal, coronal, all [default = all]
       -da, --data_augmentation      Applying data augmentation [default = True]
       -af, --aug_factor             Data inflation factor for augmentation [default = 2]
       -sv_resume, --save_resume_training    Whether to save and resume training in case of interruptions (default-False)
       -ilr, --init_learng_rate      Initial LR to use in scheduler [0, 0.1] [default=0.001]
       -lrm, --lr_sch_mlstone        Milestones for LR scheduler (e.g. -lrm 5 10 - to reduce LR at 5th and 10th epochs) [default = 10]
       -gamma, --lr_sch_gamma        Factor by which the LR needs to be reduced in the LR scheduler [default = 0.1]
       -opt, --optimizer             Optimizer used for training. Options:adam, sgd [default = adam]
       -eps, --epsilon                       Epsilon for adam optimiser (default=1e-4)                                                                           -mom, --momentum                      Momentum for sgd optimiser (default=0.9)\n' 
       -bs, --batch_size             Batch size used for training [default = 8]
       -ep, --num_epochs             Number of epochs for training [default = 60]
       -es, --early_stop_val         Number of epochs to wait for progress (early stopping) [default = 20]
       -sv_mod, --save_full_model    Saving the whole model instead of weights alone [default = False]
       -sv_resume, --save_resume_training    Whether to save and resume training in case of interruptions (default-False)
       -cv_type, --cp_save_type      Checkpoint to be saved. Options: best, last, everyN [default = last]
       -cp_n, --cp_everyn_N          If -cv_type=everyN, the N value [default = 10]
       -v, --verbose                 Display debug messages [default = False]
       -h, --help.                   Print help message

Cross-validation of TrUE-Net model

truenet cross_validate: cross-validation of the TrUE-Net model, v1.0.1

Usage: truenet cross_validate -i <input_directory> -l <label_directory> -o <output_directory> [options]

Compulsory arguments:
       -i, --inp_dir                         Path to the directory containing FLAIR and T1 images for fine-tuning
       -l, --label_dir                       Path to the directory containing manual labels for training
       -o, --output_dir                      Path to the directory for saving output predictions

Optional arguments:
       -fold, --cv_fold                      Number of folds for cross-validation (default = 5)
       -resume_fold, --resume_from_fold      Resume cross-validation from the specified fold (default = 1)
       -tr_prop, --train_prop                Proportion of data used for training [0, 1]. The rest will be used for validation [default = 0.8]
       -bfactor, --batch_factor              Number of subjects to be considered for each mini-epoch [default = 10]
       -loss, --loss_function                Applying spatial weights to loss function. Options: weighted, nweighted [default=weighted]
       -gdir, --gmdist_dir                   Directory containing GM distance map images. Required if -loss = weighted [default = None]
       -vdir, --ventdist_dir                 Directory containing ventricle distance map images. Required if -loss = weighted [default = None]
       -nclass, --num_classes                Number of classes to consider in the target labels (nclass=2 will consider only 0 and 1 in labels;
                                             any additional class will be considered part of background class [default = 2]
       -plane, --acq_plane                   The plane in which the model needs to be trained. Options: axial, sagittal, coronal, all [default = all]
       -da, --data_augmentation              Applying data augmentation [default = True]
       -af, --aug_factor                     Data inflation factor for augmentation [default = 2]
       -sv, --save_checkpoint                Whether to save any checkpoint [default=False]
       -sv_resume, --save_resume_training    Whether to save and resume training in case of interruptions (default-False)
       -ilr, --init_learng_rate              Initial LR to use in scheduler for training [0, 0.1] [default=0.0001]
       -lrm, --lr_sch_mlstone                Milestones for LR scheduler (e.g. -lrm 5 10 - to reduce LR at 5th and 10th epochs) [default = 10]
       -gamma, --lr_sch_gamma                Factor by which the LR needs to be reduced in the LR scheduler [default = 0.1]
       -opt, --optimizer                     Optimizer used for training. Options:adam, sgd [default = adam]
       -eps, --epsilon                       Epsilon for adam optimiser (default=1e-4)                                                                           -mom, --momentum                      Momentum for sgd optimiser (default=0.9)\n' 
       -bs, --batch_size                     Batch size used for fine-tuning [default = 8]
       -ep, --num_epochs                     Number of epochs for fine-tuning [default = 60]
       -es, --early_stop_val                 Number of fine-tuning epochs to wait for progress (early stopping) [default = 20]
       -int, --intermediate                  Saving intermediate prediction results (individual planes) for each subject [default = False]
       -cv_type, --cp_save_type              Checkpoint to be saved. Options: best, last, everyN [default = last]
       -cp_n, --cp_everyn_N                  If -cv_type=everyN, the N value [default = 10]
       -v, --verbose                         Display debug messages [default = False]
       -h, --help.                           Print help message

Technical Details

TrUE-Net architecture:

Triplanar U-Net ensemble network (TrUE-Net). (a) U-Net model used in individual planes, (b) Overall TrUE-Net architecture.

Applying spatial weights in the loss function:

We used a weighted sum of the voxel-wise cross-entropy loss function and the Dice loss as the total cost function. We weighted the CE loss function using a spatial weight map (a sample shown in the figure) to up-weight the areas that are more likely to contain the less represented class (i.e. WMHs).

Spatial weight maps to be applied in the truenet loss function.


DL tool for white matter hyperintensities segmentation






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