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Project description

  • This application allows you to get some information and download images from provided array of websites. This project tries to use asynchronous functions, libraries, and tools (aiohttp, aiokafka, asyncio, aiobotocore, asyncpg) where it is possible - to speed up parsing.

  • There are two main microservices - web to interact with client and parser - to parse data for webpages (as for now - get html length) and upload webpage images to minio storage. Microservices communicate with each other via kafka topics (both microservices have producer and consumer). You could monitor kafka cluster by using provectuslabs/kafka-ui dashboard.

  • For each of website - there will be created a row in Postgresql database using asyncpg driver. You will get website data as well as parsing status (which will be UPDATED to different statuses pending -> in_progress -> finished/failed while parsing).

  • All database connections could be made by web microservice only, while both web and minio interact with minio. You will be able to POST website entity (which will trigger data parsing as well), GET info for each website (with updating data) and DELETE website entities (all minio data for this website will be deleted as well).

  • After uploading images to minio you could request S3 presigned urls to be able to download this images.


  • Make sure that you have installed the latest versions of python and pip on your computer. Also, you have to install Docker and Docker Compose.

    Note: each microservice - parser and web has own Dockerfile and .dockerignore with appropriate build stages.

  • This project by default uses poetry for dependency and virtual environment management. Make sure to install it too.

    Note: each microservice - parser and web has own poetry files and dependencies specified.

  • Make sure to provide all required environment variables (via .env file, export command, secrets, etc.) before running application.

    Note: each microservice - parser and web should have own .env/secrets variables specified.

Development tools

  1. For managing pre-commit hooks this project uses pre-commit.

  2. For import sorting this project uses isort.

  3. For code format checking this project uses black.

  4. For code linting this project uses flake8 and pylint.

  5. For type checking his project uses mypy

  6. For create commits and lint commit messages this project uses commitizen. Run make commit to use commitizen during commits.

  7. There is special build_dev stage in Docker file to build dev version of application image.

  8. Because there are two separate microservices, all pre-commit and Docker test build stage checks run both for parser and web microservices from repo root.

  9. New application version should be specified in web/version.txt file to update web microservice openapi documentation.


  • This project involves github actions to run all checks and unit-tests on push to remote repository.

  • There will be two jobs running in one workflow - for parser and web microservices (built from each of directories separately via strategy.matrix).

Make commands

There are lots of useful commands in Makefile included into this project's repo. Use make <some_command> syntax to run each of them. If your system doesn't support make commands - you may copy commands from Makefile directly into terminal.

Note: there are many commands that will perform actions both for parser and web microservice. Even so, all Makefile commands should be run from repo root directory only.


  1. To install all the required dependencies and set up a virtual environment run in the cloned repository directory use:

    poetry install

    You can also install project dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt from repo root directory.

    Note: this command will install ALL dependencies for the project - both for parser and web microservice. Separate dependencies will be installed automatically during Docker image build (or github actions run).

  2. To config pre-commit hooks for code linting, code format checking and linting commit messages run in the cloned directory:

    poetry run pre-commit install

  3. Build app images (for parser and web) using

    make build

    To build reloadable application locally use make build_dev to build images in development environment.

  4. Run all necessary Docker containers together using

    make up

    Containers will start depending on each other and considering health checks.

    Note: this will also create and attach persistent named volume logs for Docker containers. Containers will use this volume to store application app.log file.

  5. Stop and remove Docker containers using

    make down

    If you also want to remove log volume use make down_volume

Database migrations

  • For managing migrations this project uses alembic.

  • Dockerfile for web microservice already includes alembic upgrade head command to run all revision migrations, required by current version of application.

  • Run make upgrade to manually upgrade database tables state. You could also manually upgrade to specific revision with .py script (from web/alembic/versions/) by running:

    alembic upgrade <revision id number>

  • You could also downgrade one revision down with make downgrade command, to specific revision - by running alembic downgrade <revision id number>, or make full downgrade to initial database state with:

    make downgrade_full

Running app

  1. By default, web application will be accessible at http://localhost:8080, minio storage console - at http://localhost:9001, database - at http://localhost:5432, kafka cluster UI - at http://localhost:9093. You can try all endpoints with SWAGGER documentation at http://localhost:8080/docs

    Note: parser microservice will run at http://localhost:8081 but user don't need to interact with it directly.

  2. Make sure to create minio bucket (specified in your .env/secrets) before interaction with web application resources.

  3. Use /websites resource with POST method to create database entities for each URL and start parsing. Created entities with ids will return in response body. /websites request /websites response

  4. Use /websites/{website_id} resource with GET or DELETE method to get and delete row in database respectivelly. Use get to monitor status of parsing and data updates. Delete also clears minio storage objects associated with URL (website URL is used as prefix for picture keys of this webpage) /websites/{website_id}

  5. Use /websites/{website_id}/picture_links to get website database entity with generated S3 presigned URLs array in response body. You could use some tool (e.g. POSTMAN, wget, curl, etc.) to download this images via generated URL. URL will expire after 5 minutes. /websites/{website_id}/picture_links


  • Description of all project's endpoints and API may be viewed without running any services from documentation/openapi.yaml file

  • You can update web/documentation/openapi.yaml documentation for API at any time by using make openapi command.

  • All warnings and info messages will be shown in container's stdout and saved in web.log and parser.log files.

  • To minimize chances to be blocked parser uses custom user-agents for request headers from parser/documentation/user_agents.txt file.

Running tests.

  • Use make test to build test images for parser and web microservices and run all linters checks and unit-tests for each of them.

  • After all tests coverage report will be also shown.

  • Staged changes will be checked during commits via pre-commit hook.

  • All checks and tests (both for parser and web microservices) will run on code push to remote repository as part of github actions.