Archive of a project I had worked on at around 2021 for several days in an attempt to create a language like idris2 with my own additions
***Highly*** inspired by and
- records & interfaces
- implicit arguments
- instance arguments, but i do not know how to properly implement instance resolution
can be used for proving- user clauses -> Case Tree with an incorrect implementation of Jesper Cockx's
- crude implementation of user-defined operators
Type : Type
- working IO
- MANY poor design choices were made
- adding
toTerm z
for something related to interpreting IO and passing objects around, it did not go well
- adding
Example IO program:
guessingGame : IO Unit
guessingGame = do
putl_str stdout "Guess the number"
ans <- random_int 0 100
repeat_while do
put_str stdout "Guess it: "
flush stdout
r <- getl_str stdin
// putl_str stdout (show r)
case parse_int r of
None => do
putl_str stdout "Invalid input, please try again"
pure True
Some input => do
case compare input ans of
EQ => do
putl_str stdout "Correct"
pure False
LT => do
putl_str stdout "Too small"
pure True
GT => do
putl_str stdout "Too big"
pure True