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Loco-manipulation Control

This package implements an MPC-based controller for locomotion and loco-manipulation on Unitree quadruped robots, including A1, Alinego, and Go1 models.



The library is written in C++11, and it is tested under Ubuntu 20.04 with library versions as provided in the package sources.


  • C++ compiler with C++11 support
  • Eigen (v3.3)
  • Boost C++ (v1.71)
  • LCM (version 1.4.0 or higher)
  • ROS Noetic (For simulation only)
  • catkin sudo apt-get install catkin
  • catkin-pkg package for python3. Install with sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools

Build the library

Create a new catkin workspace:

# Create the directories
# Do not forget to change <...> parts
mkdir -p <directory_to_ws>/<catkin_ws_name>/src
cd <directory_to_ws>/<catkin_ws_name>/

# Initialize the catkin workspace
catkin init
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/noetic
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo

Clone the code:

# Navigate to the directory of src
cd <directory_to_ws>/<catkin_ws_name>/src

# Clone the repo:
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules

Build the simulation package:

cd ..
catkin build quadruped_sim

Build the hardware package:

catkin build quadruped_hardware


Running Simulation


In any terminal you open, make sure to source the packages you have built first:

source devel/setup.bash

First, launch the Gazebo world:

roslaunch quadruped_sim world_only.launch

You can also create and launch your own custom world.

Next, spawn the robot into the world:

roslaunch quadruped_sim spawn_robot.launch robot_type:=<robot_type> ns:=<ns> x_pos:=<x> y_pos:=<y> yaw_angle:=<yaw>

Specify the robot type (a1, alinego, or go1) using <robot_type>, the namespace with <ns> (to differentiate between robots in multi-robot simulations), and the initial position and orientation of the robot with <x>, <y>, and <yaw>. You can spawn multiple robots by running the above command in separate terminals, ensuring each robot has a unique namespace.

Then, start the controller node for each robot:

rosrun quadruped_sim quad_sim_control <robot_type> __ns:=<ns>

Ensure you provide the correct <robot_type> and namespace <ns> for each robot.

Using Tmux Script for Multi-Robot Simulation

A Tmux script, multiRobotSim.yaml, located in the quadruped_sim/scripts directory, automates the process of running the simulation explained above and can work for multiple robots (the files contains two robots). To use this script, first install:

sudo apt-get install tmux tmuxp

Next, navigate to the scripts directory and load the Tmux session:

cd quadruped_sim/scripts
tmuxp load multiRobotSim.yaml

You can create a custom Tmux script for any number of robots, similar to the provided multiRobotSim.yaml.

Keyboard Commands:

The robot operates in various modes:

  • Passive: No actuation is applied to the robot.
  • PD Stand: The robot stands using a PD controller for each joint.
  • QP Stand: The robot stands using a balancing QP-based controller.
  • Walking: The robot walks using convex MPC.
  • Loco-manipulation: The robot performs loco-manipulation using a unified MPC.

To switch between different state machines, use the following keyboard commands in the controller node terminal. The initial mode when starting the controller is Passive.

Finite State Machine Keyboard Command
Passive to PD Stand 2
PD Stand to QP Stand 0
QP Stand to Walking 4
QP Stand to Loco-manipulation 9
Any mode to Passive 1

Note that you must transition through the states consecutively to reach the Walking or Loco-manipulation modes. Directly jumping to these modes is not possible.

To control the robot's velocity in Walking mode, use the following keyboard commands: w for forward velocity, s for backward velocity, and a and d for positive and negative yaw rate, respectively.

In Loco-manipulation mode, the velocity command and manipulation force can only be controlled through ROS commands, which are explained later.

ROS Commands:

You can also switch between different state machines by publishing the following ROS topics:

Finite State Machine ROS Command
Passive to PD Stand rostopic pub --once /<ns>/FSM std_msgs/String 'data: "PDSTAND"'
PD Stand to QP Stand rostopic pub --once /<ns>/FSM std_msgs/String 'data: "QPSTAND"'
QP Stand to Walking rostopic pub --once /<ns>/FSM std_msgs/String 'data: "WALKING"'
QP Stand to Loco-manipulation rostopic pub --once /<ns>/FSM std_msgs/String 'data: "MANIPULATION"'
Any mode to Passive rostopic pub --once /<ns>/FSM std_msgs/String 'data: "PASSIVE"'

In Loco-manipulation mode, you can send manipulation force commands via the /<ns>/wrench topic and velocity commands via the /<ns>/cmd_vel topic.

Running Hardware Experiment

First, build the hardware package:

catkin build quadruped_hardware

To run hardware experiments, navigate to the following directory:

cd devel/lib/quadruped_hardware

Then execute:


Replace <robot_type> with a1, aliengo, or go1.

You can switch modes and send velocity commands using the keyboard as described in the keyboard commands section. The default command panel is the keyboard. Alternatively, you can use the Unitree joystick to control the robot by running the following command:

./<robot_type>_hardware_control wireless

Switch between state machines using the joystick commands as follows:

Finite State Machine Joystick Command
Passive to PD Stand L2+A
PD Stand to QP Stand L1+X
QP Stand to Walking START
QP Stand to Loco-manipulation L1+A
Any mode to Passive L2+B

Note that the hardware code does not use ROS, so command communication via ROS is not available. For manipulation commands in Loco-manipulation mode, we use a UDP connection. Details and configurations for this can be modified in ManipulationUDP.cpp.


    title = {{Hierarchical Adaptive Loco-manipulation Control for Quadruped Robots}},
    year = {2023},
    booktitle = {2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    author = {Sombolestan, Mohsen and Nguyen, Quan},
    month = {5},
    pages = {12156--12162},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    doi = {10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10160523}


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