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Releases: DIRACGrid/DIRAC


31 Mar 15:42
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v9.0.0a46 Pre-release



NEW: (#8109) added setInputData to JobState


FIX: (#8108) VOMS2CSAgent newDiracName might not be defined yet


27 Mar 13:16
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v9.0.0a45 Pre-release



FIX: (#8106) Clear any non-UTF encodable environment variables in pilots


NEW: (#8104) backport the export of the Sub in DiracX


FIX: (#8102) Don't use string processing on X509 name objects
NEW: (#8099) -S option on dirac-configure is now ignored
FIX: (#8088) force M2Crypto to use the proxy instead of the host certificate if provided


FIX: (#8100) Move JobWrapperUtilities after import Script.parseCommandLine()


FIX: (#8086) Catch ConnectionError when calling send on a MQ


10 Mar 10:00
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v9.0.0a44 Pre-release



FIX: (#8084) htcondor x509 unsupported version
CHANGE: (#8075) Disable Bearer token for HTTPs unless upload/TPC
CHANGE: (#8074) conditionally reset the rlimit for xroot
NEW: (#8069) findFileByMetadata method for Rucio


FIX: (#8080) dirac-apptainer-exec should work also in the case of no proxy


FIX: (#8073) pass args to buildQueueDict() in the right order

*Workload Management

FIX: (#8067) Supress non-UTF8 variables from pilot environment


CHANGE: (#8061) TTLCache for getProxyPrrovidersForDN


NEW: (#8005) use containerized certs creation for integration tests


10 Mar 09:20
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FIX: (#8085) Catch ConnectionError when calling send on a MQ
FIX: (#8083) htcondor x509 unsupported version
CHANGE: (#8072) conditionally reset the rlimit for xroot
CHANGE: (#8070) Disable Bearer token for HTTPs unless upload/TPC
NEW: (#8046) findFileByMetadata method for Rucio


FIX: (#8071) dirac-apptainer-exec should work also in the case of no proxy


03 Mar 08:37
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FIX: (#8064) create valid request for delayed sandbox purging

*Workload Management

FIX: (#8063) Supress non-UTF8 variables from pilot environment


CHANGE: (#8059) TTLCache for getProxyPrrovidersForDN


24 Feb 16:51
Choose a tag to compare
v9.0.0a43 Pre-release



CHANGE: (#8055) extend pilot documentation.


FIX: (#8054) update and correct the README to build the DIRAC documenation


CHANGE: (#8044) default MySQL version from 8.0 to 8.4


24 Feb 10:30
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FIX: (#8053) update and correct the README to build the DIRAC documenation


CHANGE: (#8039) default MySQL version from 8.0 to 8.4


12 Feb 13:51
Choose a tag to compare
v9.0.0a42 Pre-release



NEW: (#8041) new command dirac-apptainer-exec for running DIRAC commands inside apptainer
FIX: (#8034) Correct user mapping for DiracX from IAM


FIX: (#8040) get ElasticJobParametersDB index prefix from the configuration
CHANGE: (#8014) Use apptainer for SingularityComputingElement
CHANGE: (#8014) Drop support for SingularityComputingElement without user namespaces
CHANGE: (#8014) Enchance debugging output if SingularityComputingElement fails
CHANGE: (#8014) Drop support for using apptainer from outside of DIRACOS2


FIX: (#8040) evaluate useCRT flag as boolean in Utilities.getElasticDBParameters()


11 Feb 13:22
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FIX: (#8037) get ElasticJobParametersDB index prefix from the configuration


FIX: (#8037) evaluate useCRT flag as boolean in Utilities.getElasticDBParameters()


NEW: (#8036) new command dirac-apptainer-exec for running DIRAC commands inside apptainer


04 Feb 13:59
Choose a tag to compare
v9.0.0a41 Pre-release



FIX: (#8031) make the setting of inputDataBulk extendable
FIX: (#8022) make 2 methods of WorkflowTaskAgent extendable


FIX: (#8029) read at most 2^14 bytes at the same time
FIX: (#8002) one less flag for EnableSecurityLogging
FIX: (#7988) Add locks to AuthManager caches
CHANGE: (#7971) Optimise ASN1 decoding in X509Certificate
FIX: (#7969) Avoid locking in MessageQueueHandler


FIX: (#8027) explicitly disconnect Stomp before reconnecting
FIX: (#8012) adapt AREX to ARC7 delegation output
FIX: (#7995) adapt HTCondorCE to latest htcondor version


FIX: (#8020) StalledJobAgent: if StartExecTime is not set, use the last recorded heartbeat
FIX: (#7986) PilotBundle: compatibility with py2 and py3


FIX: (#8003) exit with status 1 in case of error
FIX: (#7989) Apply a workaround for xrootd/xrootd#2396


FIX: (#7999) Add PilotAgentsDB definition to tests/CI/docker-compose.yml

FIX: (#7997) pensearch configuration should consume the ca_certs parameter if it is there


CHANGE: (#7987) dirac-rss-sync: flip the default status to Active
FIX: (#7983) Docs: removed Setup from Operations
NEW: (#7972) Add a timeout for GocDB to avoid blocking the CacheFeederAgent


CHANGE: (#7978) removed ElasticSearch in favor or OpenSearch


NEW: (#7975) Allow to disable DM transfer as an FTS failover


FIX: (#7970) Support https URLs with dirac-framework-ping-service

*Integration tests

FIX: (#7968) mount diracx in init-db container