Releases: DIMO-Network/login-with-dimo
v0.0.19: UTM Param Support
Allows dev to configure UTM params, either via single value or queried string
DIMO App will redirect to developers app with the specified utm params
<LoginWithDimo utm="utm_campaign=dimo" />
Will redirect to
What's Changed
- [ACC-305] Remove "embed" from example app and add deprecation to sdk by @neildevas in #56
Full Changelog: v0.0.17...v0.0.18
v0.0.17: Include sharedVehicles in authResponse
Currently, devs don't get the sharedVehicles Array in the onSuccess which is triggered on LoginWithDimo and ShareVehiclesWithDimoComponents
This version, integrates that so they can parse sharedVehicles
v0.0.16: Force Email Configurability
Supports ability for dev to configure enforcing the email checkbox
options: {
forceEmail: true, //BY DEFAULT, this is False - users won't have to share email
v0.0.15 Dev Configurable Button Labels
Includes ability for developers to configure button labels
Example Usage
onSuccess={(authData: any) => console.log("Success:", authData)}
onError={(error: any) => console.error("Error:", error)}
authenticatedLabel="Extend Permissions"
unAuthenticatedLabel="Sign in to Share Permissions"
v0.0.14: Expiration Date Support
Supports iso string expiration dates, in the share vehicles and login components
v0.0.13, Optional Transaction Value
Merge pull request #39 from DIMO-Network/development v0.0.13
v0.0.12: Support for Success Screens + Better Navigation
Introduces a Success Screen for vehicles shared, where users can see the vehicles that were successfully shared
Manages navigation states
If user clicks success, or cancel, approve/reject, back buttons for all modes (redirect, embed, popup)
v0.0.11: Logout Support, Better Navigation
Email + Wallet Address Sharing
- Expose Email/Wallet Address in DimoAuthState
- Cleanup Popup and Embed Auth Handlers
- Cleanup Components, to use base payloads and additional messages for getting additional data