This project sets up a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean using Terraform. It provisions one master node and one worker node with specific configurations, creates a VPC, and adds the droplets to the declared project.
- Terraform installed on your local machine (Use terraform AMD64 binary because 386 binary have some issues)
- A DigitalOcean account
- A DigitalOcean API token
- SSH key added to your DigitalOcean account
- DigitalOcean project ID
├── terraform.tfvars
└── modules
├── vpc
│ ├──
│ └──
└── droplet
└── frontend
└── backend
└── k8s
- The main configuration file that sets up the provider and modules for master and worker nodes.
- Declares the input variables used in the configuration.
- Defines the outputs of the configuration, specifically the IP addresses of the master and worker nodes.
- terraform.tfvars: Contains the values for the variables.
- modules/droplet: Contains the module for creating a DigitalOcean droplet and configuring the firewall.
do_token = "your_digitalocean_token"
master_name = "k8s-master"
worker_name = "k8s-worker"
region = "syd1"
master_size = "s-2vcpu-2gb"
worker_size = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
image = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"
ssh_keys = ["your_ssh_key_fingerprint"]
allowed_ports = [
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "22" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "6443" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "2379-2380" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "6783" },
{ protocol = "udp", port_range = "6784" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "10248-10260" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "80" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "8080" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "443" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "30000-32767" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "179" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port_range = "9099" }
project_id = "your_project_id"
vpc_name = "k8s-vpc"
ip_range = ""
monitoring = true
loadbalancer_name = "Invabode"
Initialize Terraform:
terraform init
Validate Terraform Code:
terraform validate
Get the list of things Terraform Going to create:
terraform plan
Apply the configuration:
terraform apply
Confirm the apply step by typing
when prompted. Terraform will create the resources defined in the configuration. -
Output: After running
terraform apply
, the IP addresses of the master and worker nodes will be displayed. -
Install necessary tolls::
- To Setup VMs for k8s, run the
bash script on both VMs file located inscripts
- And Run the
on the master Node and get the join command return by the script and paste it on the worker node.
- To Setup VMs for k8s, run the
- Run a test Applications::
- To test k8s master and worker nodes working correctly,
- Refer to the Frontend Deploy README
- Refer to the Backend Deploy README
- To test k8s master and worker nodes working correctly,
To destroy the resources created by this configuration, run:
terraform destroy