A reference implementation of a very simple upload client for DF Studio written in Java.
This client is not intended for production use. It is a demonstration of using the DF Studio REST API, written as simply as possible without any 3rd-party library dependencies. JDK 6 or higher is required.
The main class is dfstudio.api.upload.client.DfsUploadClient.
//This is just an interface with only two methods, feel free to implement your own
String dfstudioUrl = "https://#YOURHOST#.dfstudio.com";
String username = "#USERNAME#"; //username
String account = "#ACCOUNT#"; //short name
String password = "#PASSWORD#";
HttpClient httpClient = new JavaHttpClient();
DfsUploadClient dfsUploadClient = DfsUploadClient.newUpload(httpClient, dfstudioUrl, account, username, password);
String folder = "landscapes"; //optional, can be empty or null, project will be in root folder
String project = "highlands";
String setup = "walking path"; //optional, can be empty or null
String filename = "p1001-mountain-trail.jpg";
InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("p1001-mountain-trail.jpg");
dfsUploadClient.uploadFile(folder, project, setup, filename, stream);