EarlyMan is an online webstore for the sale of local art.
...PS Forget about the logo it's not my strong point
- EntityFramework Core ORM - ORM library of choice
- SQLServer - database of choice
- C# and ASP.NETCore Mvc - server language and server frameworkDotnet core 2.1
- EfCore-Migrations - for creating and running schema migrations
- Razor, HTML, CSS with Bootstrap 4 - for website's frontend
Font-awesome: https://fontawesome.com/download
│─appsettings.development.jsos *** DB connection strings for local development
│─StartupDevelopment.cs *** Configuration and Services for dev enviroment
│ ├───Pages
│ │ └───Account *** RazorViews for Authentication
│ │───_ViewImports.cshtml
│ │───HomeController.cs *** Actions methods that control majority of the main page
│───Data ***Data Contexts and Migrations
│───Entities *** Internal storage models
│───Models *** DTOs, interfaces and Seed data
│ │───ViewModels
│ │───HomePageItems.cs
│───Views*** Project views
│ ├───Home
│ │ │───About.cshtml
│ │ │───Index.cshtml
│ │ │───Privacy.cshtml
│ │ │───ProductShowcase.cshtml
│ │ │───Summary.cshtml
─ First run dotnet restore
to get denpendencies then dotnet run -p build/build.csproj
─ Finally dotnet run