Video Demo:
This is a trivial twitter clone web app.
- MySQL (V8+)
- You need to create a MYSQL database with the name bird_app_db
- For the queries used to create the db see queries
- The database, for the ER diagram see ER diagrams. Added an architecture diagram Architecture Diagram
- Flask - The backend
- - For a persistent communication channel between the client and server. is an extension of Websockets technology
- Gunicorn - HTTP server
- Eventlet - Worker class
- js - The front-end
- Bootstrap - For styling
- Python 3.9.16
- create a database called bird_app_db
- run the schema creation scripts in queries.sql
- chmod u+x *.sh && ./
- For backend server
- Cd into the backend folder
- Create your own venv then install the required modules à la pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create an environment variable SIO_SECRET with any value you like via export SIO_SECRET=some_super_secret_key
- Run the websocket-server/api-server with gunicorn --thread 50 app:app. You can't use the flask run command as Websocket support is not available for the Werkzeug server, the default flask server.
- You're good to go
- For the frontend server
- cd into the frontend folder and just run http-server
- You are good to go.
#Note If using WSL, it must be version 2, if not gevent won't run correctly. You can check the version via wsl -l -v in a powershell terminal.