Coordinatorr is a simple, free ham radio award event callsign booking software. It is based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
You can find the feature list, all information including system requirements and an installation guide, as well as the complete documentation on this page.
Read about how this project came to be on my Blog.
73, de Stefan, DB4SCW
If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel itself, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via [email protected].
If you discover a security vulnerability within Coordinatorr, please send an e-mail to DB4SCW, Stefan Wolf via [email protected].
All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
If you would like to contribute to Coordinatorr in any way, it is most welcome. This project has been developed in free time, so help is much appreciated.
If you submit a PR, please only do so against the dev branch. PR against master will be rejected. As for your code, please check if it is properly commented and just contains ONE feature or bugfix per PR. Please also add a meaningful description what your new feature or bugfix does and why it is beneficial for coordinatorr.
Special thanks to our contributors, who have helped to improve this software:
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.