- gem: https://github.com/colinxfleming/clinic_finder
- CI: https://travis-ci.org/colinxfleming/clinic_finder
- build script: build.sh
- run tests: rake test
Our case management team is helping patients navigate a variety of logistical challenges to securing an abortion, such as figuring out the closest clinic to them, or the cheapest clinic in their state, or a clinic that will still see them (since many clinics have a gestational age cutoff after which they won't do abortions anymore). The DC area is fortunate enough to have a variety of providers, and we'd like to have a tool that helps us filter down our set of clinics and help our case managers recommend an optimal few clinics, given a patient's particular needs.
We'd prefer this as a ruby library so that we can plug it into our existing case management system easily. If that's not an option, we can adapt the logic from it.
As a case manager, given that I have:
- A patient with limited resources, a gestational age, and a zip code
- A set of clinics with certain attributes, including an address and a set schedule of costs and whether or not they accept National Abortion Federation (NAF) funding, and certain other factors that might make them a better fit for a patient
I would like to be able to filter and sort down to a subset of available clinics.
Relevant parts of our clinic objects that we'd like to filter on:
- zip: five digit zip code
- cost: cost in dollars for an abortion procedure
- gestation_limit: limit in days, at which point a clinic won't perform abortions. e.g. no abortions after 147 days (21 weeks).
- naf_clinic: boolean value for whether or not a clinic accepts NAF funding (e.g. whether or not we can count on a grant)
Information from a patient that we'd like to plug into the tool:
- zip code of patient
- patient's gestational age
Add clinic_finder to your application's Gemfile. Consult the rubygems page for most recent version
gem 'clinic_finder', '~> 0.0.1'
Run bundler from your terminal
Manually install the geokit gem in your application, as the client_finder gem is dependent on it (*open ticket to resolve)
This gem currently requires data to be in the form of a .yml file, which is passed in to the library instance at the point of initialization as such:
The gem expects yml data to be in the following format:
street_address: 1001 Broadway
city: Oakland
state: CA
zip: 94607
accepts_naf: false
gestational_limit: 139
costs_9wks: 425
costs_12wks: 475
costs_18wks: 975
costs_24wks: null
costs_30wks: null
Hot tip: Before using your yml file, please be sure to feed it through a YAML linter like YAML Lint to remove any syntax errors.
Long term goal here is to make this usable with ActiveRecord models directly.
First, you will need to instantiate a library instance.
@abortron = Abortron::ClinicFinder.new(your_yaml_file)
To find the cheapest clinic within your dataset that will serve the patient based on their LMP, call:
@abortron.locate_cheapest_clinic(patient_zip: 94114, gestational_age: 60)
This will return an array of hashes that look like so:
=> [{name: "planned_parenthood_oakland", cost: 1000},
{name: "castro_family_planning", cost: 1500}]
To find the closest clinic within your dataset that will serve the patient based on their LMP and patient zip code, call:
@abortron.locate_nearest_clinic(patient_zip: 94117, gestational_age: 100)
This will return an array of hashes of the 3 closest clinics and their calculated distance, which should look like so:
=> [{:name => "castro_family_planning", :distance => 0.92356303468274},
{:name => "planned_parenthood_san_fran", :distance => 1.8319683663768311},
{:name => "planned_parenthood_oakland", :distance => 9.580895789655901}]
To publish updates to the gem, merge code into the master branch and then use the following commands:
gem build clinic_finder.gemspec
gem push clinic_finder-0.0.1.gem
You will need to replace the 0.0.1 with your current version of the gem.
- Make gem usable with ActiveRecord models directly, instead of via a yml file that requires maintenance
- Fix dependency on user manually requiring geokit
- Incorporate check for NAF only (the infrastructure is currently present as a default-false argument, but is not being used)
- Create method for cheapest and closest, defined as the cheapest clinic of your three closest clinics
- Create a method for easiest/fastest access via public transportation (this may require patient to provide full address, not just zip code)
We'd like to walk away with:
- A ruby gem that we can install in a separate app
- A standalone sinatra app that we can demo to case managers