Pago Wallet: Another-yet simple wallet for sending and receiving USDC payments 😋
This is a WIP Project to learn more about Account Abstraction, Meta transactions and Gassless interactions on-chain
- Connect with EOA Wallets, Smart Wallets and Socials
- Don't need to worry about gas, user only signs for transactions off-chain and we relay the transaction using a Alchemy's paymsters
- Back up for wallets (*added wallet export) ✅
- Scan to add user to a walet + it's metadata (custom profile pic, name, etc)
- Wallet recover from Drive, iCloud
I'm using de facto Web3 Stack: NextJs, TailwindCSS, Typescript and some shadcn components to add UX first visuals to Pago.
Don't forget to look at the .env.example
file to configure the required environment variables for PagoWallet to function in development 😉.
- How to send sponsored transactions: See DialogSend/index.tsx to get a grasp on the logic behind
- How to make a hybrid USDC permit for EOA wallets + smart accounts and embedded wallets: See DialogSend/useHybridPermitSign.ts to see the solution I came up with to re-use the sign-in process to allow USDC to be sent/sponsored by a Smart Wallet.
See PagoWallet live at Thanks!