Daichi Haraguchi1, Naoto Inoue1, Wataru Shimoda1, Hayato Mitani2, Seiichi Uchida2, Kota Yamaguchi1
1CyberAgent.Inc, 2 Kyushu University
Accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia (Technical Communications Track).
This repository contains the data for "Can GPTs Evaluate Graphic Design Based on Design Principles?".
./GPT_eval_data ├── gpt_eval ├── gpt_abs_alignment.csv ... └── gpt_comp_whitespace.csv ├── human_eval_data ├── human_abs_alignment.csv ... └── human_comp_whitespace.csv └── images.zip
Each CSV file includes the evaluation results.
File names consist of "[eval method]_[eval type]_[design principle].csv."
"eval. method" is "gpt" or "human."
"eval. type" is "abs" (absolute evaluation) or "comp" (comparative (relative) evaluation).
"design principle" is "alignment," "overlap," or "whitespace."
"gpt_abs_alignment.csv" is the absolute evaluation result by GPT for alignment.
"images.zip" includes images.
The structure in the "images.zip" is below.
images ├── lefttop_large ├── [image_ID].png ... └── [image_ID].png ... └── org ├── [image_ID].png ... └── [image_ID].png
The directory name consists of "[perturbation element]_[perturbation size]"
"Org" includes original images without perturbation.
Each image name is an image ID that is written in the CSV files.
CSV for absolute evaluation
id | perturbation | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | avg |
image ID | perturbation size | score | score | score | score | score | average score |
CSV for relative evaluation
id | comparative | better_design_0 | better_design_1 | better_design_2 | better_design_3 | better_design_4 | voting_res |
image ID | perturbation size of comparison image | voting result | voting result | voting result | voting result | voting result | aggregation of voting results |
We provides a notebook for showing results.
shows the scatter plot between human evaluation and GPT evaluation.
coming soon
This repository is maintained by Daichi Haraguchi.
E-mail: haraguchi_daichi_xa[at]cyberagent.co.jp