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Sachin edited this page Sep 11, 2022 · 16 revisions

Find your bug/error here before reporting! It is recommended that BOT has all access on your server!

Discord server to Game server chat doesn't work

  • Make sure the BOT is having read and write(just in case) permission(s) in the channel.

My BOT doesn't send messages in my verification channel

  • Make sure you have followed all the steps from here. Especially the second last and last one.
  • Make sure the BOT is having read and write permissions in the verification channel.

My BOT is sending multiple messages in response of player in verification channel

  • Make sure you're increasing the value of sm_du_server_id as you're putting the plugin in a new server.
  • Make sure only one of your server has sm_du_server_primary as 1.
  • Re-check every server's sm_du_server_id value. Don't let more than one server have same value!

My BOT is sending no message in response of player with "invalid code"/"invalid message" in verification channel

  • Make sure one of your server has server id as 1. This usually happens when none of your server has server id 1. And make sure one of your server has sm_du_server_primary as 1.

[discord_utilities.smx] kvResponse.GotoFirstSubKey() in APIWebResponse failed. Keeps spamming in error logs

  • Make sure you have set the Steam API Key correct.
  • Make sure you have up to date version of SteamWorks.

I followed all the steps but my BOT stays offline

  • Don't worry about that, it will still work. It just likes to stay offline~

Players are getting verified but they don't get roles

  • Make sure BOT has "Manage Roles" permission.
  • Make sure BOT has access to the specific role that is being given when player gets verified.
  • Make sure BOT's role is above the role you're giving to players on verified.

Discord to Gameserver is sending blank message / Verification bot is not responding as it should

  • Make sure "Message Content Intent" is enabled. Blank Message Fix