Collection of programms for the SuperFactoryManager mod.
Most of these programms were written in and specifically for ATM9.
Many thanks to the developer of the SuperFactoryManager mod.
I have always loved StevesFactoryManager when playing FTB:Infinity Evolved back in the day and so I am super happy that there is a proper port for the modern versions.
Personally, I actually prefer the coding nature of the new SFM.
Most programms will not work without adjusting the config.
You will need to set minimal tick interval to 1 tick.
We have adjusted the minimum tick interval on the server that I wrote most of these on. Therefore you'll find many sub 20 ticks move triggers.
If you don't adjust the config in the world you wanna load them, they will fail.
I am planning to gradually create default config compatible and in general more compatible versions of these programms. But many of these are just impractical with 20 tick intervals.
- Collect all the programms I have written so far and bundle them in this repo
- Add comments to all programms to make them more readable
- Exchange labels with self explanatory ones
- Accumulate programms towards crafting an ATM-Star
- Split off default config branch that contains only programms that will work on unmodified config
- If applicable; rewrite sub 20 tick programms to work with default config
Feel free to use these programms when playing. If you show them off, please provide proper credit.