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Semaphores, critical sections and blocking queues explored in modern JS with Promises and async generators


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ComFreek's async generator/Promises playground

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Inspired by Exploring ES2018 and ES2019 by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer, especially the part on asynchronous generators, I wrote some TypeScript classes of well-known concepts.

It's fun to (re-)explore these concepts, but with Promises and ECMAScript's execution model in mind:

  • Semaphore: typical counting semaphore implementation

    const sem = new Semaphore();
    doSomeIO().then(() =>;
    await sem.take();
  • AsyncQueue: a queue with asynchronous dequeue operation

    const queue = new AsyncQueue<string>();
    getFile('test.txt').on('line', (line) => queue.queue(line));
    // Process the lines
    await queue.dequeue();
  • AsyncLimitedQueue: a queue where the queue operation is asynchronous as well since it enforces a user-specified limit on the number of entries.

    // Only store up to 30 lines at the same time
    const queue = new AsyncLimitedQueue<string>(30);
    // queue now returns a promise, which resolves
    // when the line has been inserted
    // Assumption: the interface behind getFile() waits for this promise as well to resolve
    getFile('test.txt').on('line', async (line) => queue.queue(line));
    // Process the lines
    await queue.dequeue();
  • CriticalSection: a non-reentrant critical section.

    // see examples/critical-section.ts
    const queue = new AsyncQueue<number>();
    // Sum consecutive (!) lines every 50ms or when an IO event occurred
    setTimeout(sumConsecutiveNumbers, 50);
    IO.on('sum', sumConsecutiveNumbers);
    IO.on('data', (x: number) => queue.queue(x));
    async function sumConsecutiveNumbers() {
    	// Must wrap it in a section, otherwise two "sumConsecutiveNumbers"
    	// calls from timeout/IO or timeout/timeout or IO/IO may overlap
    	// due to the 'await' below!
    	await CriticalSection.for(sumConsecutiveNumbers).do(async () => {
    		const numberOfElementsToSum = 10;
    		let sum = 0;
    		for (let i = 0; i < numberOfElementsToSum; i++) {
    			sum += await queue.dequeue();

Fully self-contained example

Cf. examples/queue-stdio-lines.ts and examples/ on how to run.

import { IAsyncQueue, AsyncQueue } from '../queue/index';

const readline = require('readline');

async function* readInput() {
	const rl = readline.createInterface({
		input: process.stdin,
		output: process.stdout,
		terminal: false

	// null signals the end of input
	const queue: IAsyncQueue<string|null> = new AsyncQueue();

	rl.on('line', (line: string) => queue.queue(line));
	rl.on('close', () => queue.queue(null));

	yield* queue;

(async function() {
	for await (const line of readInput()) {
		if (line === null) {

Documentation, Tests, and Coverage

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Documentation. live on and built by npm run docs.

Tests. run by npm test.


Contributing & Licensing

Ideas and code contributions are welcome! Feel free to copy and redistribute code under the terms of the ISC license, see LICENSE.