Composer package - Internalization tool by Colourbox for PHP
composer require colourbox-account/i18n
composer update colourbox-account/i18n
// With Memcached
$cache = new CBX\Cache("", 11211);
$api = new CBX\API("", $cache);
$config = new CBX\Config("en_GB", "i18n-develop-test", $api);
$collections = new CBX\Collections($config);
$i18n = new CBX\I18nClass($collections);
$i18n = CBX\I18nFactory::create("en_GB", "i18n-develop-test", "", "", 11211);
// 'contact/phone' -> '+45 55 55 45'
echo $i18n->_('contact/phone');
// output: +45 55 55 45
// 'global/newPrice' -> 'New price: $price$'
echo $i18n->_('newPrice', [ 'price' => '10€' ]);
// output: New price: 10€
<!-- 'global/helloWorld' -> 'Hello World!!!' -->
<!-- output: <p>Hello World!!!</p> -->
If the requested translation not found in the translation api the index is returned.
PHP: ^5.3.0 || ^7.0
PHP Curl extension
PHP Memcached extension
This package requires no other composer packages