Composer package - Show popup on not supported browsers about supported browsers
composer require colourbox-account/no-browser-support
composer update colourbox-account/no-browser-support
Checks the visitors web browser and version and, if not meets the requierement, than dispalys a popup with suggestion to newer web browser.
@param $language:String
The language of the popup content. Current supported languages:
- en: English (Default)
- da: German
- de: Danish
The popup is displayed only on Microsoft Internet Explorer with version lower than 11
If the visitor closes the popup that reloads the current page with sb-no-browser-support-hide parameter in the url. This sets a cookie for 24 hours, in this time period the web browser requierement is ignored fot the whole domain.
To force the popup to be displayed add sb-no-browser-support-always-show parameter to the url.
To test in different web browsers and versions use
PHP: ^5.3.0 || ^7.0
This package requires no other composer packages