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Releases: ColoredCow/portal


17 Dec 17:58
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This is a release from milestone Oct 23 -Dec10, 2021.


  1. #1137 Tags used by the system should not be allowed to edit.
  2. #1082 Recruitment list sort assignee filter
  3. #806 Search & Filter in job application listing
  4. #1113 Save Applicant WhatsApp Optin Time
  5. #831 Option to assign/remove labels to an application
  6. #818 Coloring of appointment slots for a user
  7. #815 "Repeat slot till" option does not show up on recurrence option select


  1. #1107 Making the better docs for getting started and folder structure
  2. #1003 Add a guideline for variable naming convention


  1. #1171 Add a back button to redirect user to previous page
  2. #1114 Project management menu item display based on permissions
  3. #1159 Estimated hours fields should be non required
  4. #1138 Minor feedbacks on project team member list
  5. #1194 Phase 1: Project details page


  1. #1162 Infrastructure module permissions


  1. #1164 Add amount in words in invoices pages
  2. #1089 Phone validation is not working for client page
  3. #1146 Add currency to finance numbers in invoice page
  4. #1111 Invoice module permissions
  5. #1216 Show 403 error if Invoices module not accessible.


  1. #1144 Remove files having same content
  2. #1214 Some links in Navbar throwing error on local machine

Thanks to the incredible contributors 🧑‍💻
@rathorevaibhav @am-Anmol @suntwalriya @GauravGusain98 @Devyush @SidSaklani1896 @Ayush8923 @Shivam-Samant @balendurawat @gautam071 @AbhayTheEngineer @srivastava-jyoti

And thanks to the sherlocky code reviewers 🕵️
@GauravGusain98 @P4NK4J @kuldeep3 @mdshamoon @rathorevaibhav

And to the testing wizards 🧙‍♂️


26 Oct 06:47
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This is a release from milestone Oct 16- Oct 22, 2021.


  1. #1053 Tags used by the system should not be allowed to delete.
  2. #1017 Application Seeder for Job Opportunity.
  3. #838 Not able to create a new country in the client screen.


  1. #1112 Currency should show before the amount.
  2. #1116 Client module permissions.


  1. #1120 Change layout of project team member list.


  1. #1121 Change user photo shape in books listing page.


  1. #1076 Mention MySQL in pre-requisites.
  2. #1077 The link is not working, in Development guidelines.


Thanks to the incredible contributors 🧑‍💻
@am-Anmol @suntwalriya @srivastava-jyoti @GauravGusain98

And thanks to the sherlocky code reviewers 🕵️
@GauravGusain98 @P4NK4J @kuldeep3 @mdshamoon @rathorevaibhav

And to the testing wizards 🧙‍♂️
@rathorevaibhav @mdshamoon


18 Oct 16:27
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This is a release from milestone Oct 09- Oct 15, 2021.


  1. #1087 Reason for eligibility not showing up anymore for job candidates
  2. #1088 Empty status for new job applications
  3. #1020 Job opportunity start date and end date validation
  4. #828 Proper message on appointment schedule 404 page


  1. #880 Project access user-level permissions
  2. #947 Project module permissions
  3. #907 Project team naming updates


  1. #903 Distinguish pending invoices in weekly email with Red color on dates field
  2. #1086 Click on paid invoices link shows blank page
  3. #1085 Paid invoices are showing in pending invoices list in follow-up email


  1. #1099 Add the link to the story behind finalizing database video in the readme


  1. #1080 Error when clearing route cache through command line
  2. #1016 Updates to pre-requisites and installation guide
  3. #1105 Migration and migration rollback are not working properly while initital setup


Thanks to the incredible contributors 🧑‍💻
@suntwalriya @srivastava-jyoti @am-Anmol @bharatsingh100 @GauravGusain98 @rathorevaibhav

And thanks to the sherlocky code reviewers 🕵️
@GauravGusain98 @P4NK4J @kuldeep3 @mdshamoon @rathorevaibhav

And to the testing wizards 🧙‍♂️


09 Oct 16:21
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This is a release from milestone Oct 02 - Oct 08, 2021


  1. #1074 After adding a new tag name is not visible
  2. #1057 Make the "open" tab as default active in HR Recruitment
  3. #1056 UI cleanups in application status tabs
  4. #1055 UI cleanups in application report
  5. #1054 Tags dropdown tag names are not showing up
  6. #1044 PHPStan config has so many excluded files - need to clean
  7. #1042 University options creating two fields when clicked on "Add" buttons


  1. #814 Allow finance user to add the current usd rates when we receive a payment.


  1. #932 Projects and Clients Seeders


  1. #1000 Create commands for login and logout in cypress


Thanks to the incredible contributors 🧑‍💻
@suntwalriya @srivastava-jyoti @am-Anmol @vipulgoyal006 @bharatsingh100 @GauravGusain98

And thanks to the sherlocky code reviewers 🕵️
@GauravGusain98 @P4NK4J @kuldeep3 @mdshamoon @rathorevaibhav

And to the testing wizards 🧙‍♂️


02 Oct 12:46
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This is a combined release of items from 3 milestones.


  1. #1035 Remove yarn.lock.
  2. #1045 Update factories naming to capital naming.


  1. #1018 Users Seeder.
  2. #1015 Job Opportunity Seeder.
  3. #1040 Showing the wrong count for the Trial Program tab in the job application.
  4. #992 Rename telephonic interview round name to introductory call.
  5. #1001 Update Domain list on the portal.
  6. #912 Job application dashboard - New UI for Application Status tabs.
  7. #982 Better message on schedule interview link for a candidate.
  8. #990 Dashboard value error.
  9. #1033 Change application received graph from a line chart to bars.


  1. #955 Please correct the international monthly tax reports columns.
  2. #952 Distinguish paid invoices with green color text.
  3. #954 Remove the currency signs from excel downloaded from monthly tax reports.
  4. #998 API for the conversion of USD to INR not found.


  1. #969 Implement_ fetching daily hour count and store them in the database.
  2. #913 Removing resources from the project is not working.
  3. #891 Project detail page to have project repository section.


  1. #1028 Updates to installation guidelines.
  2. #981 Add steps for portal setup on macOS.
  3. #1006 Make the installation process page easier to understand.
  4. #965 Add documentation for Cypress.
  5. #995 Update the prerequisites page.


  1. #948 Add new fields in the project add screen.


  1. #993 Cypress test cases - HR Recruitment.


Thanks to the contributors🧑‍💻
@suntwalriya @srivastava-jyoti @am-Anmol @gautam071 @vipulgoyal006 @bharatsingh100 @GauravGusain98 @rathorevaibhav

And thanks to the code reviewers 💪
@GauravGusain98 @P4NK4J @kuldeep3

And to the testing team 🧙‍♂️
@mohitsharma-22 @rathorevaibhav @srivastava-jyoti


18 Sep 13:23
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This is a combined release of items from 3 milestones


  1. #944 Cypress integration testing setup 🎉
  2. #938 Color theme issue fix
  3. #927 Code editor setup in pre-requisites


  1. #811 Dashboard to view daily job applications
  2. #794 New job opportunity should get created on ColoredCow website also
  3. #316 New fields for the job - jobs now have start and end date
  4. #918 Add WordPress database fields to .env.example
  5. #836, #911 Users can control from the settings page the maximum limit of daily interviews
  6. #802 Capturing reasons when rejecting a job application
  7. #834 CRUD functionality for tags
  8. #917 Website database setup is now optional for new people setting up the project
  9. #990 A critical error in the dashboard got fixed
  10. #1012 Enhanced logic for appointment slots automatic creation


  1. #921 Not getting payment information fields for International invoices.


  1. #900 Project listing page
  2. #970 Effort tracking database migrations are now in place


Thanks to the contributors🧑‍💻
@srivastava-jyoti @gautam071 @am-Anmol @mdshamoon @GauravGusain98 @rathorevaibhav

And thanks to the code reviewers 💪
@GauravGusain98 @P4NK4J @kuldeep3

And to the testing team 🧙‍♂️
@mohitsharma-22 @rathorevaibhav


28 Aug 13:07
Choose a tag to compare

This is a combined release of items from 6 milestones


  1. #855 #858 Documentation updates for more accurate pre-requisites and installation steps
  2. #849 #850 #851 Coding standards 100% implemented - Larastan, PHP CS and ES Lint 🎉
  3. #848 Fix for Artisan route cache command throws an error


  1. #799 When a person is assigned for the next application round, only the users with super-admin, admin and HR roles will show up. Before it was showing all the users in the system.
  2. #792 Fix for bug when application dashboard tabs resets the job id filter when clicked
  3. #796 No Show count is now getting updated while searching
  4. #795 Filter by assignee will now show only appropriate users in the list having super-admin, admin and HR roles. Before it was showing all the users.
  5. #805 Some enhancements in college mapping of candidates so that we can start reporting. Previously, candidates were entering different aliases for their colleges.
  6. #845 Fix for a bug that was deleting a job opportunity when saved
  7. #793 Added domain field to the job (engineering, marketing, and design). This will help automatically show a job under right heading in the website.
  8. #892 Job opportunity page validations for description field
  9. Designs:
    1. #810 Daily new applications reporting
    2. #809 UI enhancements on application tabs
    3. #808 Designs for user settings page where we will start capturing various user preferences like max interview slots per day, etc.


  1. #791 Added option of CAD currency in received amount field
  2. #797 Renamed conversion rate to conversion rate diff in the invoice module
  3. #804 Add Payment received details in the invoice information form


  1. #883 Team member assignee dropdown will have sorted names to easily find and assign team members
  2. #900 Project listing page to have options for "My projects" and "All projects"
  3. #899 Portal dashboard page will have "My projects" card for quick access


07 Aug 15:04
Choose a tag to compare
Merge pull request #857 from ColoredCow/bugfix/845/Opportunity-delete…