In this assignment, you will update the tags inside index.html
. Think carefully about which HTML element should be used if there is a need to update it. The content inside the tags can help you determine which tag you should use or if it needs to be changed at all. Remember to use semantic HTML tags when updating the document where appropriate. If you make the changes correctly, the page will look the same as it did before any changes were made.
Remember to update the closing tags when changing an element.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Git: Version control system to clone and manage the repository.
- GitHub: make sure you have an account to sync your repositories to.
- Code Editor: Any code editor like Visual Studio Code
Follow these steps to fork and clone the repository:
- Open your terminal or Git Bash.
- Navigate to the directory where you want to store the project.
- Fork the repository.
- Clone the forked repository to edit on your local computer.
To view the project locally, you can either open the project files in your code editor or open the HTML files in your browser.
Inside index.html
- Update the HTML tags so that they are correct and semantic
- Remember to update the closing tags when changing an element.
- Push a commit for each task completed. Include a meaningfull commit message.
- Before the above, update the readme task list to track your progress. To do this, enter x between the brackets.
- Get used to using your browser's developer tools now. For now, become familiar with:
- Using inspector mode to inspect elements.
- If you get stuck, please remember that you have various resources available to you.
After completing the assignment, make sure to commit your changes and push them back to your own repository and turn in the GitHub link in Open Class