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New and open-source version of CodeAbbey website - another place to learn programming with programming problems. The aims of having new site are:

  • to have more manageable code, and in Python rather than PHP (mainly because Python is the most popular among CodeAbbey users)
  • to allow more than one directions of learning (e.g. specializations)
  • to introduce some new kinds of problems (quizzes and in-browser "games")

Our new site is already LIVE at

Information for contributors

I recommend this even for those who do not want to contribute anything. It is good experience - attempting to launch the developer's version of site at your desktop and play a bit with it.

Project uses Python 3.7 with some libraries for website engine and MySQL 5.7 (or higher) as a database.

Youtube demo of openabbey local deploy with docker
demonstration of the 2-nd approach mentioned below

There are several ways of setting this up locally:

  1. Either install proper version of Python and MySQL manually.
  2. Recommended way - to use docker to automatically setup environment in container.
  3. Also small changes (e.g. orthography) could be done without running environment, of course.

Using docker is recomended not only because it is much simple, but also because in this way you do not modify your system Python or anything. It automatically creates small "virtual machine" according to description in the supplied Dockerfile - and when you don't need it anymore, you simply delete the image.

Here are the steps (also they are shown in video linked above):

  • clone (or download as zip) the project folder and enter it
  • install docker specific to your OS
  • run ./docker/ to create docker image with python, its libraries and mysql
  • if you use windows, either try to rename and modify this file to .bat version, or use git bash which is usually installed with git (and you probably use one to clone the project).
  • now image is ready and whenever you need to launch test server, execute in separate console ./docker/
  • access the application in the browser by http://localhost:5000 address
  • whenever you change files in py subfolder, the server will automatically reload them
  • pressing Ctrl-C (in this docker console) will stop and remove the server container
  • to check python code use ./docker/ and also ./docker/ to run unittests (both need to pass for any change to be accepted on github)

I advice not to be hesitant to learn a bit more about docker - it is far not as hard as one may think.