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Token updating process flow

tooomm edited this page Jun 14, 2022 · 8 revisions


Remember to update the version on every change!

Version schema: "YYYYMMDD"
(Alphabetical letters can be attached in ascending order for multiple changes on the same day)

First pass (before mtgjson updates)

  1. Find the article on that displays all the new tokens in the set.
    An example is:
    For less complicated sets, the tokens might be shown in a Daily Magic Round-up article instead.

    Scryfall also has data on tokens:
    They are even accessible via their API, e.g. (with name, text, color, p/t, pic url etc.)

  2. As required, manually create new entries in the xml file with the appropriate image URLs from the aforementioned article.

  3. Overwrite your copy of tokens.xml in Cockatrice and use the Deck Editor to verify that each token's attributes match the token image.

  4. Commit and push with the set name as the commit message, and mark the commit as first pass.

Second pass (after mtgjson updates)

(This step is not required for sets that are entirely reprints.)

  1. Run the script at
    The script requires an AllCards.json from mtgjson and a tokens XML file.

    ⚠️ This script is no longer available.

    • The -j argument will allow you to specify the path of the JSON input. It is ./AllCards.json by default.

    • The -d argument will download a copy of AllCards.json to the current directory. Implies that -j is not used.

      • The -r argument will change the URL queried for AllCards.json when downloading.
    • The -x argument will allow you to change the path of the input file. It is ./tokens.xml by default.

    • The -o argument will allow you to change the path of the output file. It is ./tokensOut.xml by default.

  2. Compare the input file and the output file to check for errors. At a minimum, make sure each token created in the first pass has at least one <reverse-related> field that was added by the script.

  3. Commit and push with the set name as the commit message, and mark the commit as second pass.

  4. Create a release for the set.

If the parser throws errors, the input data is probably incorrect. The parser won't be able to pick up novel token creation methods from set to set.

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