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tooomm edited this page Jul 13, 2021 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the Magic-Token wiki!

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(First draft, complete file structure not covered yet)

  • The <reverse-related> key connects a card to a certain token. That way Cockatrice can pick the information up and displays the correct token in the right click menu of a card and will create a single copy of that token when clicked. This information is placed at the end of the token data and contains card names that create that particular token, as well as information about the created quantity.

    • You can adjust the quantity of tokens that are created to match the cards need:
      <!-- no count / one token will be created -->
      <reverse-related>Goblin Instigator</reverse-related>
      <!-- count "2" / two tokens will be created -->
      <reverse-related count="2">Goblin Marshal</reverse-related>
      <!-- count "x" / dialog box will ask how many -->
      <reverse-related count="x">Goblin Goliath</reverse-related>
      <!-- count "x=2" / dialog box will ask how many, 2 pre set as default -->
      <reverse-related count="x=2">Goblin Gathering</reverse-related>
    • Exclude certain token relations from the create All tokens option
      <!-- exclude set / the all token option will only create 2 bears, not 2+4 -->
      <reverse-related count="2">Grizzly Fate</reverse-related>
      <reverse-related count="4" exclude="exclude">Grizzly Fate</reverse-related>
      In contrast, the option will create 3 different tokens at once for Bestial Menace or Trostani's Summoner as all <reverse-related> entries are not marked for exclusion.
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