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By: Kim



  • A clone of the popular photo app Instagram.


-As a user of the application I should be able to:

  • Sign in to the application to start using.
  • Upload my pictures to the application.
  • See my profile with all my pictures.
  • Follow other users and see their pictures on my timeline.
  • Like a picture and leave a comment on it.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Internet connection
  • Link to deployed page.

Known Bugs

No known bugs

Technologies used

  • astroid==1.6.3
  • Django==1.11
  • django-appconf==1.0.2
  • django-bootstrap3==10.0.1
  • django-imagekit==4.0.2
  • isort==4.3.4
  • lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1
  • mccabe==0.6.1
  • pilkit==2.0
  • Pillow==5.1.0
  • pkg-resources==0.0.0
  • psycopg2==2.7.4
  • psycopg2-binary==2.7.4
  • pylint==1.8.4
  • pytz==2018.4
  • six==1.11.0
  • wrapt==1.10.11

Support and contact details

License and terms of use

MIT License

© kim | Credits Moringa School